Scalping on M1 with prediction - page 6

Indigo >>:

А рисунок сделайте, плз. для полного понимания. в 7 утра мск был мини треннд вверх на иене м1 около 23 пп, продлился он до 9,30 мск Потом потопали дальше вниз. То есть таблица показала этот мини тренд?

I will not make a picture, because this is a screenshot from the program in Delphi, it gets online quotes every 30 seconds, and accordingly recalculates the gold and the arithmetic mean and the deviation from the SMA and from the start and ..... do not even know where else to apply :)
I started the program around 7 am, and i took a screenshot about 30-40 minutes before 10 o'clock news, i.e. it kinda fits your data
I paused the program a couple of times, so the screenshots are irrelevant now.
The program may be posted in the evening if I clean up, too much working version, down to the names of columns, etc. - as they say a working version to test theories :)
now here's a screenshot, the program has been running for about 1.30 hours

As the saying goes: I made this miracle, but I don't know what to do with it :)

The pound and the euro seem to be stomping down, but the chif is on the buy... The question is how to determine who goes where. But in general, the main thing is to know the correction, and then the trend will go further and any trend indicator may be used, even the parabolic. I think so.

i would like someone knowledgeable to tell me what i see in my program :)
If i'll have time to fix the program by the evening/night, i'll send it away and hopefully some knowledgeable traders will tell me what i can see in the figures :) - I'm very weak as a trader

All right, finalise the walk and we'll see what's what.

Indigo >>:

Хорошо, доделывайте прогу, будем смотреть как и что.

so far, the program looks like this - I have attached
the columns coloured, i.e. % is calculated from the adjacent column on the left and multiplied by 10000 to get the closest whole numbers
the column (oz-Goz)% - the difference with the line USD/oz in the column SMA% for the others in this column, ie USD/oz - SMA and USD/oz-(oz-Goz)% are the same, and for the rest (oz-Goz)% will be subtracted - why - the gold price changes constantly, and subtracting like this, even without leading to the same order, still visible the difference immediately in colour, for colours and signs sorry - I made (or maybe blurted) at random

principle of operation:
press reset, an array of 1000(box, you can change the number, but then press reset) elements for each val.pair and the current quote is assigned and the program receives all quotes and shifts the array by one element every 30 sec, the SMA column - arithmetic mean of the array, WMA - moving average, Old - first quote of the array - but after 1000 (window) steps cycle, the first element at the moment of start will be in Old, i.e. cyclic shift
autosave the array when the program is closed, i.e. if the Internet connection is insecure, an error will pop up, close the program and restart it - the array will not be lost

i have not seen anything useful from this program yet, the only thing i have seen is which currency pairs are active at the moment and which are just floating around :)
If you click on the context menu with an offer to copy, a row will be copied to the right side of the right table so it won't make me gawk, then the right table will be deleted as well, table rows can be dragged with the mouse and then they will change their position, position of the autosave rows

Thank you! Let's have a look...

well another day of watching my programme work, it looks like some kind of scale where the currencies are alternately tending towards a certain figure, and then suddenly all the figures have flipped from + to -

While I'm watching, but I can't think of any logic or interaction yet...

Indigo >>:

Пока наблюдаю, но что-то логики и взаимодействия пока не придумал никакого..

I think I've found it, just don't have time to fully work through the strategy :)