How to temporarily stop an automatic trader - page 5


"Why haven't you done it ?" : do you take care in reading the posts you answer ? I have done it , and explained it , many times, but you didn't realize....

well you talked about exasperation .... I am the one exasperated .... it seems there's no way to make you understand  , whatever I explain you keep repeating the same

words without thinking back ....

It's clear that this is the wrong place to ask questions.

Good bye 


Not once in any of your posts have you said that you have actually done the simple task of removing the EA from the chart.

I keep repeating because you are obviously unable to carry out the simple actions

Right click on chart

Expert Advisors - remove


I hope that you mean goodbye, we really don't need people with your attitude that snap at people who are trying to help them. So goodbye and good riddance 

GumRai: So goodbye and good riddance
"Please do not feed the troll."
GumRai: So goodbye and good riddance
"Please do not feed the troll."
Silly me, I should have realised that he/she was trolling. After all, nobody can be that dense. I just don't expect to see trolls on this forum.