Beta MetaTrader 4 Build 555 with Updated MQL4 Language and Market of Applications Released - page 3

I'm testing the new version of mt4, the 555.
Nor can I see that I do backtesting multicurrency, anyone know if this will be possible in the future on this platform or only possible in mt5?
Only with MT5. Afaik, it's not planned for MT4.

It seems that the "feature" of ignoring the account change in indicators has been adopted by the new environment again. I hoped it got changed, but I was obviously not lucky. I am really curious if this was intention or a bug, but for me it means, that I need to place the account number check in every indicator code, again.



Another account has been activated or reconnection to the trade server has occurred due to changes in the account settings

I agree with this statement. This makes their job harder. They already had the template for the new language fully implemented within mql5. Why didn't they just toss that unto mt4 while keeping all the functionality of mt4 like order_centric, hedging etc.

On the user end it feels to be so much the same, I mean mt4 and mt5, that it seems that simply "tossing" parts of mt5 into mt4 will work. If I were MQ I would be doing exactly what they are and that is making sure that all the stuff made by thousands of programmers for their clients and by millions of users for themselves prior to this move WILL also work after the transition. That is the main issue here which determines the way in which this move is implemented. The additional benefits of mql5 have to enter in smoothly as to improve not destroy. Yes, of course, there will be bugs, mistakes, and multiple issues. But after some decent work what will emerge will be much better than each (mt4 and mt5) separately. That is my opinion. The only thing I am not so happy about is that it is not happening sooner, but I would rather have it done right than fast.

mladen: A question : how does talking about metatrader 5 help developers to identify and remove bugs from beta metatrader 4 (and this thread is dedicated to beta metatrader 4)? Wouldn't the whole thing be much faster and easier if actual problems with this beta were posted and then it would help developers solve all those things much faster?

If your intend is helping the developers solve bugs faster, then you should write to the Service_Desk. Most of what you're going to see in these threads are Peer2Peer Awareness Announcements, Allot of Venting, Allot of Wishing. Mt4 is basically merging into Mt5, but its trying to maintain its definition as Mt4. The question of what makes Mt4 better than Mt5 needs to be addressed so that those features are preserved.

In my mind, metaQuotes cannot change stuff like the data_structure within mt4 and expect programs like period_converter_awsome to continue working. On the other hand, if metaQuotes cannot change these things, they cannot improve the data_structure. Well... they could add an interface with old_mt4 which talks to new_mt4 but this will probably add another level of complexity and bugs.

pro_: On the user end it feels to be so much the same, I mean mt4 and mt5, that it seems that simply "tossing" parts of mt5 into mt4 will work. If I were MQ I would be doing exactly what they are and that is making sure that all the stuff made by thousands of programmers for their clients and by millions of users for themselves prior to this move WILL also work after the transition. That is the main issue here which determines the way in which this move is implemented. The additional benefits of mql5 have to enter in smoothly as to improve not destroy. Yes, of course, there will be bugs, mistakes, and multiple issues. But after some decent work what will emerge will be much better than each (mt4 and mt5) separately. That is my opinion. The only thing I am not so happy about is that it is not happening sooner, but I would rather have it done right than fast.
Yeah of course. The more options ... the better, it just needs to work in the end. I believe its going to happen slowly.
Only if there is going to be some kind of Meta Quotes presence in this thread . . .

Good point.

I dont like the changes to the installation with half of MT4 installed in program files and the other half installed in the virtual store. This looks like a result of MQ trying to fix a problem that did not exist because some people who do not understand how their OS works kept saying it did.

In the original install Windows automatically created a virtual store folder to hold any new files created by MT4 or users of MT4. This included log files and new indicators and EA's. They could easily be accessed by navigating to the original MT4 folders in program files and clicking on the "compatability files" buttons. I do not see why that was so hard to understand.

Now, in the new install MT4 already puts indicators and log files in the virtual store and sends new ones to that virtual store folder, therefore because Windows does not need to intervene and redirect those files to the virtual store there is no compatability files button in the MT4 Program Files folders. This makes it much more difficult to navigate to their folders especially as the virtual store folders are hidden folders by default and separated into local and roaming.

There will be a lot of problems with users unable to find their logs and custom indicators. I know how my OS works and I know how UAC and the virual store system works and it even took me several minutes to find them. I recommend MQ change that back to the original install method. Install the whole thing into Program Files / MT4 and let Windows manage the redirection of new files to the virtual store.


I dont like the changes to the installation with half of MT4 installed in program files and the other half installed in the virtual store. This looks like a result of MQ trying to fix a problem that did not exist because some people who do not understand how their OS works kept saying it did.

In the original install Windows automatically created a virtual store folder to hold any new files created by MT4 or users of MT4. This included log files and new indicators and EA's. They could easily be accessed by navigating to the original MT4 folders in program files and clicking on the "compatability files" buttons. I do not see why that was so hard to understand.

Now, in the new install MT4 already puts indicators and log files in the virtual store and sends new ones to that virtual store folder, therefore because Windows does not need to intervene and redirect those files to the virtual store there is no compatability files button in the MT4 Program Files folders. In fact there is no experts folders in program Files period. This makes it much more difficult to navigate to their folders especially as the virtual store folders are hidden folders by default and separated into local and roaming.

There will be a lot of problems with users unable to find their logs and custom indicators. I know how my OS works and I know how UAC and the virual store system works and it even took me several minutes to find them. I recommend MQ change that back to the original install method. Install the whole thing into Program Files / MT4 and let Windows manage the redirection of new files to the virtual store.

See point 3. of the first post :

"Open Data Folder" command has been added to File menu of the terminal for searching and opening the data folder.

People who can't find their file before have now the opportunity to use this command.

Once done, you can easily add a shortcut to Favorites.


An example

First the "_master string" indicator

And the "_slave string" indicator

When you run the "_master string" indicator as a result you will get an empty string that was "passed" to the "slave" indicator. Did anybody actually test the beta at all? Not a single iCustom() call with string parameters will work. Which means that any code depending on such indicators is worthless. And this is just one example of what happens when you try to use just the iCustom() call. If things like these are not correct, what can we expect from stuff that is more complicated?

I created two similar indicators in metaeditor 509 I put the ex4's in beta 556 and the Master called the slave and transfered the string parameter correctly to the slave but it was extemely slow, in MT4 509 it loaded in a split second, in MT4 beta 556 the blue circle went round and round for about 30 seconds..

Here are my two indicators if you want to test them.

//|                                                Master String.mq4 |
#property indicator_chart_window
extern string parameter1 = "master calling slave";
extern int parameter2 = 5;
double buffer1[];
int init()
int deinit()
int start()
 int  i,  counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
  buffer1[i] = iCustom(NULL,0,"Slave String",parameter1,parameter2,0,i);

//|                                                 Slave String.mq4 |
#property indicator_chart_window
extern string test1 = "Slave";
extern int    test2 = 0;
double buffer[];
int init()
int deinit()
int start()
 int i,   counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
  buffer[i]= test2;
  if(i<5) Alert(test1,test2);

EDIT: I copied the source code and compiled the two files in metaeditor beta 556 to see if there was any difference. The result was very different. The indicator loaded instantly and worked correctly.

I'm attempting to report the bugs found within this thread to metaQuotes via the Service_Desk. My profile will log changes because thats the only page I have total control over. If anyone interested you can take a look here: