Have anyone managed to make a continiously profitable ea? - page 3


Well there are some commercial EA's running on live accounts - Google Birt's EA Review.

I started off a couple of months ago, just wanting to learn to daytrade (manually), but world of finance doesn't really excite me, when I realised MetaTrader has a programming language, that was really what helped maintain my interest (as I am a developer),

however, the more I read and learn, the more realistic and sober, my expectations.

I think it is possible for an EA to make a little steady money on the side - very low risk - this is doable I think...

I dont think anyone can quit their day job with an EA unless they have so much capital, that they might see better lower risk returns in property etc.

There are several considerations that rumble around in my mind:

  • Determining a strategy (timeframes, trade entry, exit)
  • MoneyManagement / Risk
  • Trying to trade (like a person - reading a chart - is often not trivial - setting subjective trend lines etc) vs trading like a computer.
  • Looking at things that brokers 'don't like'. Scalping / News Trading ? Why dont they like them ...
  • looking at the few things computers can do better than people (scalping, monitoring a position dynamically)
  • I suspect plenty of developers have 'given up' and can make more money offering to code EAs for others (as I have experience of preparing design specs, technical specs etc, there is just no way in hell I'd ever do this based on the quality of job requests that I've read, sounds like an accident waiting to happen.)

  • Looking at things that brokers 'don't like'. Scalping / News Trading ? Why dont they like them ...

I think you hit the head of the nail here, as soon as there is a possibility for any real edge the brokers will quickly identify it and apply countermeasures.

Trader platforms (MT4/MT5+ most others) have so much broker tweaking in them that if we knew we would throw our towels in and forget about our dream once and for all...

Apart from that, capital is key - however if you have that, there would likely be better options for investment than trading forex/cfd´s/whatever crap instruments designed to rip off speculators. (Of course that is not the whole truth, markets have another purpose however for the market-makers/brokers that is not the picture they are painting).

That ad on most trader-forums just recently " Trading the Euro is easy!" should be illegal...

/ McKeen

McKeen: That ad on most trader-forums just recently " Trading the Euro is easy!" should be illegal...
Perfectly legal and true. Making consistent profit on the Euro, that's something else entirely.

I think there should be profitable EA.one thing is to turn your good observation as the eye of EA.thats difficult but certainly possible.


Taken me 3 years to come up with an EA that I was confident to put some real money for it. I have been running this for the last two months. So far, it is profitable. On the first month, it tripled the account balance and for this month, it has lost about 40% of the balance. Still, it is a double of what I started from. I am using a very high risk on this relatively small account size. The reason is that I am very comfortable with this EA.


Good thread.

Is it possible to develop profitable MT4-based EAs? I think so. Is it possible to maximise the returns from those EAs in a retail MT4 broker environment? I don't think so. Therefore I think that anyone serious about making a living from algorithmic trading and who started with MT4, will end up using the experience as a stepping stone.

Perfectly legal and true. Making consistent profit on the Euro, that's something else entirely.

Very good point...

How about you - youv'e been here for ages, even longer than me...

Have you made it?

That is - Do you have a running EA on a live account?

Not yet.

I don't think writing a profitable EA (or paying someone to do it) is the issue. It's what expectations you have from it. Yes, you can have a punt and double the size of any account in a day, but that will only lead down the road to dereliction. Keep things simple, keep risk low and stay patient. Let equity build slowly and safely. Don't give up the day job, yet. Unless you have got starting equity of £100,000.

Manual trading is hard enough as it is and for an EA to work it needs to border on the lines of a neural network, hence the current reality that the only black box systems out there are in the quant realm,