My Personal Survey #2


Lets have a little fun shall we :). Ok, It's obvious I feel comfortable on this forum because it's an Automated Trading Driven outfit. I know allot on un-registered traders visit this forum thinking "is this for real" about automated trading. What I'm trying to gather is How-Much automation is employed by members of this forum. I understand this is not an Automation exclusive club and allot (maybe majority) of traders here employ Manual methods or a combination of both. I'm hoping to get both views. There's two rules: 1) Please do-not counter other people views Directly! 2) Please start your sentence with {I'm an Automated Trader because:} or {I'm Not an Automated Trader because:}. Remember, you can be both but you cannot say I'm both because. Short and Simple is good but if you feel the need to write a book and defend your point, hey, thats fine too. Since I'm opening the Can, I'll go first :). Treat my below post as an example.


I'm an Automated Trader because: I can employ 300 indicator and enter the market with precise precision, something a human eye and hand cannot do.


I'm Not an Automated Trader because: Those EA's cannot read financial reports and watch a Fed meeting and conclude with common sense what they're saying. Good Ole human brain :).


I'm an Automated Trader because: I can employ 300 indicator and enter the market with precise precision, something a human eye and hand cannot do.

I'm Not an Automated Trader because: Those EA's cannot read financial reports and watch a Fed meeting and conclude with common sense what they're saying. Good Ole human brain :).

I am an 'automated technical trader', but I doubled my Live ForEx account in only 2 hours of manual fundamental trading after one of Toyota's recent recall announcements.

But even when I am utilizing 'Automated' ForEx trading, I generally oversee it and make changes quite often to take into account current circumstances that the EAs aren't and can't but that I can and do respond appropriately to correctly. (8 >) SomeTimes (< 8)

I recently posted a topic here about utilizing automatic self correcting, feedback, learning genetic algorithms such as occurs in genetics in evolution and that is being developed and used more and more very effectively in numerous fields with significant benefits and advantages. As a rather lame NuB I am no where near being able to program such things, but the more I get into this and think about it the more ways that I can see and am realizing the almost innumerable ways that it would greatly enhance and improve ForEx trading results and ways to do it. Both in indicators and (automated) EAs


I'm an Automated Trader because: My (relatively) simple systems are automated because I cant be awake 24/7
I'm Not an Automated Trader because: My more complex (or subtle) systems are not automated because although indicators may be precise the market is not!



I'm an Automated Trader because: My (relatively) simple systems are automated because I cant be awake 24/7
I'm Not an Automated Trader because:

Even if you could stay awake 24/7 for most of the year, would one even want to do nothing but? If so, its time to get some help! That's where these electronic abacuses come in handy.

My more complex (or subtle) systems are not automated because although indicators may be precise the market is not!

The only thing that is constant is change.


I'm an Automated Trader because: I like having my computer do the mundane routine calculations required for risk/money management (lotsize determination, scaled entry/exit points, equity at risk, etc) as well as managing the creation/deletion/modification of pending orders in real-time 24x5.

I'm not an Automated Trader because: programmatically selecting viable entry and exit points are currently beyond my coding capabilities.


I'm automated, 'cos I can't be as quick, as precise or as consistent as my PC

I'm not automated 'cos of the nuances of combining indicators. I'm finding coding "It depends" pretty hard.(but I'm getting close!)


You raised an interesting topic/survey ubzen, I got to hand it to you...  But I felt a bit like attending an AA meeting reading it :))))) ... I'm joining the club !!

I'm an Automated Trader because :  I know how to translate my decisions to a code. And it just so happens all my strategy parameters can be quantified / measured. No intuition / gut feeling required. 

I'm not an Automated Trader because : I haven't finish coding it. And persistence layer is rather tough to dealt with currently. So I aim for semi-automatic for now.