Stoploss not working ?
Stoploss not working ?
Hello Sir,
thank you for your code, its' very useful!
If you do not mind, i made some changes in your code.
- SL & TP working
- Max Order at once changes (one click one order, with check the max count)
I hope i help :)
Hello Sir, Terimakasih telah sudi berbagi
Bisakah Tuan menambahkan extern function (By Symbol/ Magic Number) atau mengganti fungsi kerja dari Close All order, close profit order yang bekerja sebelumnya berdasarkan symbol yang dipakai (By Current selected Symbol) dirubah berdasarkan MAGIC NUMBER ?
- could you change ea work Buttons Close All Orders,close profit orders, close all orders by current selected Symbol to current Magic Number ?.
Hello Sir, Terimakasih telah sudi berbagi
Bisakah Tuan menambahkan extern function (By Symbol/ Magic Number) atau mengganti fungsi kerja dari Close All order, close profit order yang bekerja sebelumnya berdasarkan symbol yang dipakai (By Current selected Symbol) dirubah berdasarkan MAGIC NUMBER ?
- could you change ea work Buttons Close All Orders,close profit orders, close all orders by current selected Symbol to current Magic Number ?.
Hi, absolutely i can change for that. I was update this feature but is on checked by Moderator.
Or You can download on my personal blog.

Hi, absolutely i can change for that. I was update this feature but is on checked by Moderator.
Or You can download on my personal blog.
Thankyou Sir, I have Tried ,
Apakah Versi ini menggunakan Hidden SL/TP ? ,sebab setelah saya coba sepertinya menggunakan Hidden TP/SL.
Apa fungsi dari Trailing martinglestart dan Trailing Martingle Stop? , can you explain to us Sir?
could you change this mod_by ritter Version work by magic Number ?.
Thankyou with
my best Regards
Thankyou Sir, I have Tried ,
Apakah Versi ini menggunakan Hidden SL/TP ? ,sebab setelah saya coba sepertinya menggunakan Hidden TP/SL.
Apa fungsi dari Trailing martinglestart dan Trailing Martingle Stop? , can you explain to us Sir?
could you change this mod_by ritter Version work by magic Number ?.
Thankyou with
my best Regards
Yes, Use hidden SL/TP.
Trailing martingle start/stop its used for the next trailing. Example:
Jika kita set trailing start 10, maka EA akan set SL sesuai dengan trailing stop. Kemudian next trailing'nya EA hanya akan melihat value dari trailing martingle start dan akan set SL dengan trailing martingle stop nya.
if We set a trailing start value by 10, then the EA will set SL based on trailing stop. After that, the next trailing that will be used by EA is value of trailing martingle start & triling martingle stop for SL.
Maybe You have idea to rename this traling martingle feature.
For this EA , you can change function CloseAtProfit with this code:
void CloseAtProfit()
int ticket=0;
for(int cnt=0;cnt<OrdersTotal();cnt++)
if(OrderMagicNumber()==Magic && OrderType()==OP_BUY && Bid>OrderOpenPrice())
if(OrderMagicNumber()==Magic && OrderType()==OP_SELL && OrderOpenPrice()>Ask)
To test this EA, You must execute with Your demo Account. Because this is the manual action but for trailing, SL/TP will be automated after the order was executed by this EA buttons.
Have a nice try....

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Instant Execution:
Instant execution button to close profit orders, close all orders, auto close by trailing parameter.
Author: Gusti Risyadi Noor