Can a good strategy make 1000USD to 1 billion USD in 5 years? - page 9


We see a lot of these topics coming up on the forum lately.

They all go about making extreme profits in specific time frame.

I have been keeping an eye on some of these 'claimers' and discovered the following:


  • Open up a topic that put up a large profit, for example 1000USD to 1 billion USD in 5 years.
  • Then they look for some kind of approval or confirmation to he claim from other forum members by adding a question mark, 1000USD to 1 billion USD in 5 years ?
  • Other will agree to the claim and even various members go as far as publishing some basic calculations.
  • The topic opener get's excited and publishes his signal, so that everyone can monitor the progress of his or her vision.

Needless to say, i have been following these signals and i came to the conclusion that:

  • It starts off good but soon the drawdown figures reach critical levels then,
  • The signal disappears, usually within 3 Months or even sooner.

  • Most users do not even respond anymore to the question what happened and,
  • Some users will start to blame all and everything except themselves for the failure,
  • Some claim they as still on it but move to a quiet and secret method.

Now the conclusion to all of this is that these topics should be renamed to:

From 1000$ to 0 in Three Months, and disappear.

Marco vd Heijden:

We see a lot of these topics coming up on the forum lately.

They all go about making extreme profits in specific time frame.

I have been keeping an eye on some of these 'claimers' and discovered the following:


  • Open up a topic that put up a large profit, for example 1000USD to 1 billion USD in 5 years.
  • Then they look for some kind of approval or confirmation to he claim from other forum members by adding a question mark, 1000USD to 1 billion USD in 5 years ?
  • Other will agree to the claim and even various members go as far as publishing some basic calculations.
  • The topic opener get's excited and publishes his signal, so that everyone can monitor the progress of his or her vision.

Needless to say, i have been following these signals and i came to the conclusion that:

  • It starts off good but soon the drawdown figures reach critical levels then,
  • The signal disappears, usually within 3 Months or even sooner.

  • Most users do not even respond anymore to the question what happened and,
  • Some users will start to blame all and everything except themselves for the failure,
  • Some claim they as still on it but move to a quiet and secret method.

Now the conclusion to all of this is that these topics should be renamed to:

From 1000$ to 0 in Three Months, and disappear.

True, most had i seen also BUT im not hiding my self

i had started also a topic $100 to $1000 but failed and reason is all my fault :) 


The beginning

  1. Simple Ichimoku System
  2. Simple Ichimoku System - rules for the systems
  3. Simple Ichimoku Scalping 



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