Basic Economics in Customer relationship


To all Dear Traders, programmers, and users.

I would suggest voting and requesting of all follow users of to send a formal request to Metaqoutes for changing their agreement policy in Market so we could all enjoy a refund within 30 days of any purchase. If the economist and programmer who came up with the idea for the app store in would apply basic Economics to the matters of Cutomer relationship, he/she would conclude that profits will increase if the 30 days refund policy will exist.

But if she/he/you don't agree with me, I don't mind explaining the application of basic economics to improve the profits of MetaQuotes in their app store.

Thank you. 


To All that have read my message, I wish to thank you, and share with me your good advise.

Everything is a blessing in disguise.


Part of the problem that I see with this idea is along the same lines that stores have in regards to returns with computer programs and other digital media (music and the like).  There is nothing to say that the customer is just looking to get their hands on the product, copy it or some other way of decompiling it, and then just "returning" it after doing this.

Not only that, while the developers can design their code to the best of their abilities, there is nothing to say that the market wouldn't take a turn that their program was not intended to, and CAN NOT handle, potentially making the end user think that the program is wrong, and if they get a refund, then all that work the developer did was for nothing.

I know that this does little in the cases where the developer does not design a quality product, but that is good why there is a review area for each product.  You can post your comments or thoughts on the product, and read what others have had to say.  If you do not make use of this provided resource, that is your own fault.  Is it a perfect solution?  No, but it is what we have to work with.

If this market was one that sold something like flashlights, then I would not see a problem with this, but that is not the case here.


To JD4;

I would agree only partly with your opinion, but I can assure to you, if any one has made money with an EA, and it works fine, It would be foolish to even think to get a refund, because if the person, has some kind of honesty in them, they would not mind paying for the product that would make money endlessly. But as we both understand, there will not be such a product that will work always, and this is what the developers, and the customers should understand. Such a product is not for sale. And never will be. But the fact that Metaquotes, and their business ideas are trying to make money from stuff that no one really understands, It is quite sad that intelligent people who have unlimited ideas want to make money from people that are only dreamers. Or may be, those people who are intelligent to come up with ideas that can make more money for Metaquotes should come up with more clever trends of making money.


PC, you are correct, except that thought line fails to take one important thing into consideration.  A majority of people who trade lose money.  Them having a good EA or not has little to nothing to do with it.  Should they be expected to work with a customer if the EA or other program doesn't perform as it is advertised to do?  Yes, but only if it is due to a mistake on the part of the developer.  If it doesn't because of market conditions the developer has no control over that.  If it is a custom designed EA or something through the freelance section, and the developer codes it exactly as the customer requested it, but the customer didn't specify everything they actually wanted from the start, then why should the developer be asked to basically pay (by additional unpaid effort) for that?

The developer put in the effort to code their EA, and should be paid for that effort.  If you, as a developer, sell a lot of copies of your work, but people who do not know enough about trading are losing money left and right because of THEIR lack of knowledge, not because of anything you as the coder did wrong, is that fair to punish you for their lack of knowledge on trading?

To me, if they buy something, but lose money because they do not know how to trade properly, I would not want them thinking they can ask for money back that I worked hard for because of a well-meaning but misguided blanket return policy, even if it is limited to 30 days.

There is nothing wrong with trying to make money off of your efforts, at least there shouldn't be.  That is how many inventions work.  Someone takes the time and effort to come up with an idea on how to do something, or a different and easier way to do something, and can sell that idea, or products made on that idea, and make some money for their effort.  Your line of "the customers should understand" is absolutely correct.  They should understand, and should not expect to get a refund on something they buy simply for the fact that they did not put forth the effort to understand how to make use of it.  If it doesn't operate as it is supposed to do (because the design and code is flawed) then that is a totally different story.

To me, while having the best of intentions, I am sure, this idea will do little but "encourage" developers to stop writing programs because any money they make off of them will be more than likely just taken away from them because of people buying them without contemplating what they need before their purchase is made.  So, let's use for an example, that a developer feels that their programming efforts are worth $45-60 an hour, including what it costs them to live, pay their bills, and so on, and they price their programs to reflect this.  Let's also use as an example, best case estimate here, that they sell 100 copies of a program (the same program for all 100), but because of this policy 10 refunds are given.  That reduces their effort to 90% of what they are charging per hour for their programming effort, which reduces the above example to $40.50-54.00, possibly putting them in the position to be unable to pay their bills, if they use their sales of their programs as their income source.  That is a lot better case than what is likely to happen because of the lack of knowledge of the end user, which is no fault of the developer, but the developer is the one getting financially burdened because of it.  Let's say 50 returns, which reduces their efforts to 50% of the value, that makes it only $22.50-30.00.  Their efforts devalued to %50 of what they put into it through no fault of theirs.

Are there some developers out there who are less than totally honest on their efforts?  Possibly.  Are there potential customers who are less than totally honest on THEIR intentions?  Possibly here as well.  Will this idea have the intended effect if it is implemented?  Possibly, but I highly doubt it.

Why are you posting your answer inside quote with JD4, it's confusing.

To All that have read my message, I wish to thank you, and share with me your good advise.

Everything is a blessing in disguise.

No offense, but I doubt this kind of sarcastic post deserve your purpose. At least it's not a proof that you are a reference in customer relationship.

Your suggestion should be sent to ServiceDesk of Metaquotes.

Alain Verleyen:

No offense, but I doubt this kind of sarcastic post deserve your purpose. At least it's not a proof that you are a reference in customer relationship.

Your suggestion should be sent to ServiceDesk of Metaquotes.

While I agree, I do think that it is a good thing that this error of posting it here happened, as it gives other forum members an opportunity to put in their 2 cents worth.  Especially before MQ just putting something like this into place and potentially financially harming a lot of developers in the process without their feedback.

To all Dear Traders, programmers, and users.

I would suggest voting and requesting of all follow users of to send a formal request to Metaqoutes for changing their agreement policy in Market so we could all enjoy a refund within 30 days of any purchase. If the economist and programmer who came up with the idea for the app store in would apply basic Economics to the matters of Cutomer relationship, he/she would conclude that profits will increase if the 30 days refund policy will exist.

But if she/he/you don't agree with me, I don't mind explaining the application of basic economics to improve the profits of MetaQuotes in their app store.

Thank you. 

I am not a specialist of customer relationship, I only have some years of personal experience. I strongly doubt that a refund policy while selling trading software can be profitable. "Refund policy" is a marketing technique, I don't see the relation with "basic economics". But I am interested to learn.
Alain Verleyen:
  I don't see the relation with "basic economics".

because there is no relation with basic economics.

it won't happen.

Alain Verleyen:
I am not a specialist of customer relationship, I only have some years of personal experience. I strongly doubt that a refund policy while selling trading software can be profitable. "Refund policy" is a marketing technique, I don't see the relation with "basic economics". But I am interested to learn.

Dear Alain, I hope I will succeed to give you an explanation that will be convincing.

Let me first be clear about something that has been proven in Chaos theory. It is already a fact that we live in a universe that everything is connected to everything, there is no such thing as real separation. And connected to everything proportionately. Even if you take two very different subjects like Mathematics and Poetry or Literature. It is not very hard to find connections. As you can take mathematical rules of induction taking place in the brain and you deduct the common proportionate rules which maintain the interconnected system of conditions, like grammatical laws and the logic of combinatorial like in the example of the following figure. 

Next, would be the two subjects, Economics and Sociology, as the term of customer service is related to Sociology, and Economics is related to the rules that govern the profit from the subsections which we call Market on (

If you take the three groups of people related to the Market, the Developers, the Customers and the Owners. All of them are influenced by the invisible hand of economical laws. Like the basic principle of supply and demand. Now Let me try to give you the first impression how the principle finds it's influence on the three groups.

1. Developers want to make money, they need to supply products that will maintain the structure of satisfied Customers.

2. Customers want to enjoy good products that they may return to the Developers in order to maintain the Satisfaction of happy and well paid Developers.

3. The Owners (MetaQuotes) want to maintain the two groups of Customers and Developers, healthy and well feed, so they may continue profiting from the commissions of both parties.

As I have stated above the principle of supply and demand influences the Economics of happiness and profits in all the above three groups of individuals.

Let me give you an example :

If group 1, want to keep on profiting from group 2, the quality of products will influence the short term period of gains and losses, and the long term period of gains and losses.

If the products will maintain their proportionate success in the short term then it will influence the success in the long term. If the products don't maintain their success in the short term, then the loss of customers and profits will influence propostantly the other two parties, the Owners and the Developers. The Developers then will try to increase the quality of the products in order to maintain propostantly the profits from the customers who are trying to maintain the dream of successful products as the group of owners will need to collaborate new ideas to maintain the satisfaction of both groups the developers and the customers. One such idea was introduced, is Rental option. As it was very hard for customers to maintain their happiness with the large losses from expansive products that do not make any profits (propostantly). The Rental option is an economic idea for the test of short term success or failure. Now the idea of Refund, will influence economically on the developers to maintain their honesty and develop products that will prove their success in the long term. So that if any such product doesn't prove to be successful in the short term, then the refund protects customers from the idea of fraud in the economics of the short term and long term, which ultimately influences the economics of the Owners. As we both can finalize this discussion, for the factors of economical laws on Customer service and Success of any Hypothetical products.

The Following reference is partly related to the economics of waste products and recycling needs in order to increase customer satisfaction for the refunds and basic tax laws.  

Economic sociology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Economic sociology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Economic sociology is the study of the social cause and effect of various economic phenomena. The field can be broadly divided into a classical period and a contemporary one. Contemporary economic sociology may include studies of all modern social aspects of economic phenomena; economic sociology may thus be considered a field in the...