Time/Bar Discrepancy - How to correctly work around it. - page 2

You have a contract with Metaquotes? Maybe...


MetaQuotes Software Corporation makes no warranty or representation, either express or implied,with respect to this software, the hardware, or documentation, including their quality,performance, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose.

...and so on...

Phy, I do not want to continue tis moronic and off topic argument with you!

Having said that, the bottom line is that if traders will dislike a platform they will trade with different broker and different platform and that will eventually hurt MQ.

I have seen this phenomenon before. Every small company which peaked up and became successful, also became arrogant and eventually failed.

Simple example: Yahoo a No.1, was easily taken by small Google because they were enormously arrogant and Google was not. Now the Google became arrogant cooperating with oppressive governments around the globe and will be soon taken by new search engine cuil.com or other.

That is natural cycle of the free market supply and demand equation.

MQ was totally different company 3 yeas ago, full of entrepreneurial spirit which is now gone.

Some companies will realize this in early stage and will make necessary corrections and some will not --- that is all I am saying Phy.

In addition the fact remains that MT4 has graphical display which is incapable even to display simple Gann line in real time.

I do not know if you do actual trading or not but listen to complaints at various trading forums.

I do not claim to be programming expert but I do claim to be an expert in trading strategies and in that MT4 has some grave limitations as well as advantages.

It is limitations I am concerned about!

Here is simple on topic example Phy:

If I open, lets say, three different terminals under a same account# they all will have same name on the window button [12567: Interbank FX Trader 4 - [EURUSDm,M1]]
After 10 minutes, I will forget which one is which and there is no way (at least I do not know of any) how to rename the buttons.

This should be very simple fix for MQ to do instead they will say: go pound the sand, so the traders, already under grate pressure from a trading, are getting pissed about the buttons.
Sometimes it is little things like this which may improve the product.

I hope I am wrong and you will return a fix.
Sub, do not missunderstand Phy, I believe he is just trying to explain that Metaquotes is not known as a company which implement features requested by Trader, so maybe you'll have more chance to ask your broker/Dealer to ask MQ to add new features.
Sub, do not missunderstand Phy, I believe he is just trying to explain that Metaquotes is not known as a company which implement features requested by Trader, so maybe you'll have more chance to ask your broker/Dealer to ask MQ to add new features.

I do not care relay Lyes. The MQ is not my company so they can do what they want. If you notice, I am not asking to add any new features. I am simply asking to fix some serious design defects. Not even dealers recognize that Trend lines and Gann Lines etc. are not accurate in relationship to data and if trader will use MT4 in oppose to other platform for projection he can never project accurate entry and exit points. If you are trader you know that you can easily miss trade by 1pip. The MT4 projection accuracy is much worse.

Since, I am using graphics only to visualize my strategy (my own beck tester) and actual order points are calculated anyway...... who cares. I tried to help MQ!.... that is all.

So maybe the MQ should shutdown this forum if they are ignore it.
I agree somehow that if the Forum was actively monitored by this company we should see any post replied by an MQ administror or developer, that's not the case, they do not follow up so much, just sometimes pasting a link or 2...most of the constructive answers came from people not working at MQ...i think you got the picture about how big is their interest on feedback from Traders.
They have previously stated these forums are "community", not "support", so ???
They have previously stated these forums are "community", not "support".

Obviously Phy, you have nothing to say in support of the MT4 substandard graphical display.
I hope that MQ will give you a cookie.
You can try to make a thing which will satisfy everybody and you will get the thing which nobody likes.