iMAonarray problem in an expert advisor - page 2

Why are you setting FALSE?

Here is a test indicator.
There are two data arrays. One is set as a series, the other, not.
Both data arrays are filled with the same data. The values are bar closing price.
Then, iMAOnArray is taken on each data array
The result is a 10 period moving average of closing price

#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_color1 Red
#property indicator_color2 Lime
double arraySeries[];
double arrayNot[];
int init()
   SetIndexDrawBegin(0, Bars - 490);
   SetIndexDrawBegin(1, Bars - 490);
int deinit()
int start()
	int i;	
	double dataNot[501];
	double dataSeries[501];	
	ArraySetAsSeries(dataNot, false);
	ArraySetAsSeries(dataSeries, true);

	for(i = 500; i >=0 ; i--){
		dataNot[i] = Close[i];
		dataSeries[i] = Close[i];
	for(i = 490; i >= 0; i--){
		arrayNot[i] = iMAOnArray(dataNot, 0, 10, 0, 0, i); // red

	for(i = 490; i >= 0; i--){
		arraySeries[i] = iMAOnArray(dataSeries, 0, 10, 0, 0, i); // green

I thought FALSE must be used when xxxonArray is used in an EA. Is this correct? Or can TRUE also be used? The order of elements must be important?

Thank you.
Examine the test above and decide.

Note which method in the test gives a valid moving average line, and how it is acheived.
Only a value of True with ArraySetAsSeries gives the correct values. A value of False does not work in an EA.

Using "normal" array fill methods, yes. If you put bar0 data into array0, bar1 into array1, etc, then use ArraySetAsSeries on the array before using the built in iXxxOnArray function.
Forgive me for taking up so much of your time with this. Thanks for all your help, but I'm afraid I have a second question.

Is it possible to have an array within an array? In other words, let us say that we have put RSI data in an array. We want to run an MA on this RSIarray. But then we want to store this data in a second array, MAofRSIarray, and run a further function, such as Momentum, on this MAofRSIarray. In the end, we will then have MomentumofMAofRSIArray. Obviously we need to use iMAonArray and iMomentumonarray in combination.

Can this be done, and if so, how?

you can have multidimensional arrays

array[5][11][7] for example, 3 dimensios..

5 elements, 11 wide, each of which is somehow 7 deep

"Arrays are allowed to be maximum four-dimensional. Each dimension is indexed from 0 to dimension size-1."
Thanks for the quick reply. If I understand correctly, a multidimensional array is just a collection of data that can be from different sources. However, here we want to create an array, run xxxonarray on that array, store the new data in an array, and then run yyyonarray on this new array. I don't see how a multidimensional array applies here. Or did I miss something?
Don't know what you're trying to do.
  1. The asSeries only effects element indexing A[i]. Build the array with asSeries(true) right most index is A[0]
  2. The xxxonArray Always goes left to right. right most value should be newest
  3. Article: Effective usage of Arrays in MQL