I have a quad core, but MT4 works just in ONE CORE...

and the others CORE...nothing...
is this because MT4 ís a "mono-thread "? When this will change? or...How to i can running my optimization faster in my servers...? Ho w about linux? please...sombody help-me. I have many EAs that i wanna running optimizations but realy... one core is VERY slow .. :(
Marcelo Marques
sorry Slawa , but in this link i can´t found the solutions...just others doubts.
Is there any way for problem above? or...any forecast?
tankyou very much
Your question was asked already. And answered "Client terminal is multithread application". What may be a solution? To use multithreading in the strategy tester optimisation. That's all because experts and scripts each works in the its own thread, data pumping works in its own thread, manual trade operation works in its own thread, trailing stop too, trading operation from EA in its own thread too, history center too.

But at this moment multithreading in the optimisation is not implemented.

Another solution was discussed - to use 2,3,4 etc client terminals simultaneously. However, you have to launch each terminal from separate directory
Hello Slawa ..yeah..i know about any MT4 installed... but i can´t running Optimizations with many COREs... There is any way to run optmizations faster? cluster, linux, other Operation System, or anything? Tks Marcelo Marques
Split parameters settings. For example, instead of
start=10 step=5 stop=100
start=10 step=5 stop=50 and start=55 step=5 stop=100

Use 2 sets of parameters in two client terminals under optimisation.
it´s not works. why?

because i have many variables...like:

int a,b,c=0;

a start=10 step=5 stop=50
b start=10 step=5 stop=50
c start=10 step=5 stop=50


a start=55 step=5 stop=100
b start=55 step=5 stop=100
c start=55 step=5 stop=100

where pass above i´ll have the pass: a=50 b=55 c=55 ? :( doesn´t works...
You should split only one parameter!
a start=10 step=5 stop=50
b start=10 step=5 stop=100
c start=10 step=5 stop=100

a start=55 step=5 stop=100
b start=10 step=5 stop=100
c start=10 step=5 stop=100
i think better wait the next version with multi-thread....this way will have many repetitions.. are you work in new version with with multi-thread?
Marcelo Marques
Yes. Next version of optimizer will be multithread. But I don't know when