Extremely low earnings with 8 agents at 197 PR, help!

I'm 72 hours into using MQL5 cloud to get a few extra dollars in my pocket, and I'm seeing extremely low earnings. I'm reading that I should be getting $0.04 per agent per hour at 100 PR, but I am getting roughly $0.0013625 per hour per agent at 197 PR. I don't understand what could be causing such low earnings, can anyone give some insight? I have attached a file with my agents page.
Josh Theriault: I'm 72 hours into using MQL5 cloud to get a few extra dollars in my pocket, and I'm seeing extremely low earnings. I'm reading that I should be getting $0.04 per agent per hour at 100 PR, but I am getting roughly $0.0013625 per hour per agent at 197 PR. I don't understand what could be causing such low earnings, can anyone give some insight? I have attached a file with my agents page.

You get $0.04 per hour of useful work carried out, not per hour available on the cloud.

Your agents could be have been available for 72 hours, but only be called on to carry out tasks for a few hours or even just a few minutes over the entire period.

You get paid for "used" time, not "available" time.

AFernando Carreiro #:

You get $0.04 per hour of useful work carried out, not per hour available on the cloud.

Your agents could be have been available for 72 hours, but only be called on to carry out tasks for a few hours or even just a few minutes over the entire period.

You get paid for "used" time, not "available" time.

Ahh, that makes sense! Thank you for the reply :)

Nah, they did something in the update on on June 16.

Since then, almost all my agents working on 100% all the time (on physical cores) but getting no payments, the installed agents registering almost no new "Test passed" or "Time taken" counters, the MQL5 website's "Agents" menu showing no new "Passes".

Yet my 5950X, 3950X, 3900X, 10105F working full time, sucking up electricity, sending and receiving work data from/to and still no registered work. I've never seen this before 3808.


That is a beta build. The latest official build is 3802.

Don't use beta builds if you don't want to be a beta tester.


The clients were auto updated in the last 1-2 years, never touched them since.

Agents 3808

Besides that I checked the official download site after the abnormal behaviour appeared, and new users can download only that version. 

ZSOLT KASZA #:The clients were auto updated in the last 1-2 years, never touched them since. Besides that I checked the official download site after the abnormal behaviour appeared, and new users can download only that version. 

They only auto-update to beta builds if you connect to MetaQuotes Demo trade servers

If you only connect to reputable brokers (demo or real), you will only get updated to official builds.

All the brokers I use have only pushed out 3802.

PS! Also make sure the the MQL5 Community account is properly defined in the settings. The update may have cleared it.

Fernando Carreiro #:

They only auto-update to beta builds if you connect to MetaQuotes Demo trade servers

If you only connect to reputable brokers (demo or real), you will only get updated to official builds.

All the brokers I use have only pushed out 3802.

PS! Also make sure the the MQL5 Community account is properly defined in the settings. The update may have cleared it.

I didn't even know that servers could be defined. I installed the agents years ago, set them up, let them work, never seen any server settings. I can't find any server settings even now. The settings relevant to me are good and unchanged for years. The site shows that my agents are online.

online - site

The official site also offers only the 3808 version for download.

DL ver

In summary

- There were no problems for years until the auto updated 3808.

- I haven't updated anything manually.

- My Agents Manager settings are good and unchanged for years.

- I haven't met server settings since the beginning and can't find them even now. I guess there is a default at install.

- The official site offers the same version that I've got on all my clients since the auto update.

- I only have the MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester Agent installed, no other Metatrader products.

Download MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester Agent to join MQL5 Cloud Network
Download MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester Agent to join MQL5 Cloud Network
  • cloud.mql5.com
Join the MQL5 Cloud Network and earn extra income around the clock, while your computer works for you!
Fernando Carreiro #:

They only auto-update to beta builds if you connect to MetaQuotes Demo trade servers

If you only connect to reputable brokers (demo or real), you will only get updated to official builds.

All the brokers I use have only pushed out 3802.

PS! Also make sure the the MQL5 Community account is properly defined in the settings. The update may have cleared it.

If you install the agents directly without installing the Terminal, then I think they will be updated automatically including with betas. It would need to be checked as it's a very long time I didn't play with that.

Nah, they did something in the update on on June 16.

Since then, almost all my agents working on 100% all the time (on physical cores) but getting no payments, the installed agents registering almost no new "Test passed" or "Time taken" counters, the MQL5 website's "Agents" menu showing no new "Passes".

Yet my 5950X, 3950X, 3900X, 10105F working full time, sucking up electricity, sending and receiving work data from/to and still no registered work. I've never seen this before 3808.

Yeah this is a big problem with their system and it very unfair to us agent providers. It has actually been this way for a long time but now it is much worse and it makes me not want to provide tester agents any longer. What happens is that you will waste kilowatts of electricity running agent jobs for many hours only to have the user which initiated the test passes cancel it because they decided it is taking too long or they want to make a change and run the job again. This kills the test pass from running on our computers and we get nothing, zero, nada for all the hours that our computers were processing the job till it was cancelled.  Us agent providers get stuck with the electic bill and no payment for the processing our computers had already done till the job was stopped. It is not fair. I love providing agents to the MetaTester network but I end up throwing away alot of $$$ on electricity for users which cancelled test passes. I understand a user might want to cancel a test pass because it took too long but the test agent providers shouldn't have to pay for electricity out of our pockets for their mistake or because they changed their mind mid job. It is not fair. There should be a proportional charge to the initiater of the test for all the processing done till it was cancelled. This is to pay the tester agents for all the electricity that we are paying to provide this service to them up until the moment they decided to stop and cancel the test pass.  I'm throwing away alot of $$ on electricity for this.  :(
vimql #:
Yeah this is a big problem with their system and it very unfair to us agent providers. It has actually been this way for a long time but now it is much worse and it makes me not want to provide tester agents any longer. What happens is that you will waste kilowatts of electricity running agent jobs for many hours only to have the user which initiated the test passes cancel it because they decided it is taking too long or they want to make a change and run the job again. This kills the test pass from running on our computers and we get nothing, zero, nada for all the hours that our computers were processing the job till it was cancelled.  Us agent providers get stuck with the electic bill and no payment for the processing our computers had already done till the job was stopped. It is not fair. I love providing agents to the MetaTester network but I end up throwing away alot of $$$ on electricity for users which cancelled test passes. I understand a user might want to cancel a test pass because it took too long but the test agent providers shouldn't have to pay for electricity out of our pockets for their mistake or because they changed their mind mid job. It is not fair. There should be a proportional charge to the initiater of the test for all the processing done till it was cancelled. This is to pay the tester agents for all the electricity that we are paying to provide this service to them up until the moment they decided to stop and cancel the test pass.  I'm throwing away alot of $$ on electricity for this.  :(

It was reply from the developers (in Russian forum):

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

What do testing agents do?

Anton , 2023.06.28 14:31

This is out of the question.

We are currently dealing with the issue related to the algorithms for paying for canceled tasks.

So, I hope that this issue will be fixed.