-nan export


I'm getting an exported value of "-nan" to a csv file . I noticed that division by zero on mt5 produces "inf" . What is producing -nan ? if anyone has encountered it of course.

MT5 , not an indicator , not working with reading data live , data is picked up from the hard drive for processing .

Thank you

Lorentzos Roussos:I'm getting an exported value of "-nan" to a csv file . I noticed that division by zero on mt5 produces "inf" . What is producing -nan ? if anyone has encountered it of course. MT5 , not an indicator , not working with reading data live , data is picked up from the hard drive for processing .

One example would be "sqrt(-1)" which will give you a "-nan".

Print( sqrt(-1) );
EDIT: The square root of any negative number.

For an example of "nan" ...

double zero = 0;
Print( zero/zero );
Fernando Carreiro #:

For an example of "nan" ...

Thanks . I assume this spreads to what it touches afterwards , if a variable ,because a big portion of the csv is toast

Lorentzos Roussos #: Thanks . I assume this spreads to what it touches afterwards , if a variable ,because a big portion of the csv is toast

Yes, you will have to put some checks in place to prevent it.


It's defined in the IEEE754 Standard.


Fernando Carreiro #:

Yes, you will have to put some checks in place to prevent it.

Yeah , this is the only sqrt i have so i think if the numbers become really really small (not here but down the "process") and they get divided i'll hit a nan ... i assume.

Alain Verleyen #:

It's defined in the IEEE754 Standard.


Thanks , where have you been ? I still haven't passed your rating dam it.  😂


Also i guess MathMin can be used to "filter" these out

  double zero=0.0;
  double nan=zero/zero;
  double inf=3.22/zero;
  double neg_nan=MathSqrt(-1.0);
  double positive=1.23;
  double negative=-1.00*((double)INT_MAX);
Lorentzos Roussos #: Yeah , this is the only sqrt i have so i think if the numbers become really really small (not here but down the "process") and they get divided i'll hit a nan ... i assume.

Then only divide if "MathSqrt(std_x)*MathSqrt(std_y)" is greater than zero. 

Also a "log()" of a negative number will also give a "-nan".

Fernando Carreiro #:

Then only divide if "MathSqrt(std_x)*MathSqrt(std_y)" is greater than zero.

Also a "log()" of a negative number will also give a "-nan".

ow , i'm not checking if the covariance is 0.0 , good point . 

That must be it , and it indicates many correlations were 0.0 which indicates they may have no data :P
Lorentzos Roussos #: ow , i'm not checking if the covariance is 0.0 , good point . 

Or use ...

correlation = covariance / MathMax( MathSqrt( std_x ) * MathSqrt( std_y ), DBL_EPSILON );