Geometric approach in price forecasting - page 2


Seems like it should clarify ... :)

Yeah, I got it. I had a hard time with Gann lines, but it worked.

Taras Vavryn:

Yes it's good to write it all down when the chart is already drawn, do it at the first tick starting around tomorrow!!!

You won't believe it ... I do it every day. And quite successfully, if I don't get greedy ... :)

What I'm saying is that this method allows to say with a certain probability that the price reaches here, and then it does not.

Try to draw on charts and it will become clear - once again, the information will be received by those who will be interested.

Of course there is some uncertainty in this approach, but only experience will help.

Regards, RomFil

Anatolii Zainchkovskii:

Yeah, I got it. It was really hard with the Gann lines, but it worked.

So how do you think the price listens to these levels? Let me continue... I'll just draw them... :)

Three trades from the extremum were drawn indicating potential profit ... Lazy mother overcame the rest. Time for bed. :)
1un3.png  21 kb

So how do you think price is listening to these levels? Let me continue... I'll just draw them... :)

Here is the markup from the lower extremum.

We'll be able to see by tomorrow evening.
Anatolii Zainchkovskii:

here's the markup from the lower extremum.

We'll be able to see by tomorrow evening.

And I have a little momentum down ... :)

ad74.png  12 kb
Aliaksandr Hryshyn:
Why write like that all the time, respectfully, Alexander? Well yes, respect is good, respectfully, Alexander. The frequency of this chip matches the frequency of the greeting, suitable for emails, large not frequent posts, with respect, Alexander. A forum is almost like a conversation, only in a different format, with respect, Alexander. Do you really talk like this all the time, respectfully, Alexander?

This is normal and looks very polite. It's much worse when the speech is illiterate and/or arrogant.

For example, there's a guy here who uses "Good luck!" in every post, which sounds like "Bye, losers!


So how do you think price is listening to these levels? Let me continue... I'll just draw them... :)

Three trades from the extremum I drew with potential profit ... Then mother laziness overcame me. Time to go to sleep. :)

It reminds me of Chuvashov's fork, I used to write a theoretician using his system, the owl uses a kodobase I wrote for him, I deja vu... I'll have to find and read what he wrote about square roots... Thanks for reminding me, I like your strategy I like linear things. Straightforward and understandable, you can't figure out what they want)))


According torobi11's terms of reference.

On Mikula's theory.

We take the maximum1.4939(EUR/USD, daily), remove the comma (or, in mathematical terms, multiply by1000), obtain 1493.9, round up to the whole number and obtain1494.

We need to find the support levels.

For this purpose we take the root of1494, we get38.652,subtract(because we are dealing with a price peak) the increment 0.25, we get38.402, squared, we get1474.7, we multiply by1000 and get 1.4747. This will be the first support level. And so on.

38,652 - 0,25 = 38,402^2 = 1,4747

38,652 - 0,333 = 38,319^2 = 1.4683


Found Mikula's Theorem turns out to have been, but forgets everything. What do you think the author about it ...

Damn, I made a mistake, where is this robi11 now? What do I do next with the total, how do I turn it back? - $230.43 ???

I read Mikula, it is 230, 43 is the coordinates of square 9, something is wrong here, he was not telling me something, robi11, you shaitan!


That's exactly the reaction I was expecting ... :):):) And the faces are the same... And they behave the same way - no matter what the topic is about ... :)

You're just so negative. But I'm in a good mood today! And I won't pay attention to your sneers.

In general, the method described, I outlined only a certain approach that can be developed and used wherever you want the user - even automate, but not entirely (the subjectivity of decision-making does not allow you to set uniform rules). Whoever is interested in the method will take it and use it - most will of course pass it by.

ButMartin CHEguevara's statement about 100% probability surprised - I haven't presented the method itself, and already criticism ... Strange ... You probably don't even know what it's going to say and you're already making conclusions. Let's not criticize prematurely ... :)

I've been trading in the market for quite a long time... And I know everything there is to know about market movements to make money...
I can reduce any absolute system to simple principles by which it works.
In your case, it is a time-dependent reversal. Your charting system is based on the property
Prices form a flat in a natural way by reducing the intensity of max/minimum crossing or, as in your case, by increasing the time of crossing the extremums.
The reasoning and discussion is very long. But I think everything should be clear.
I'm not trying to criticize you. I'm just pointing out your shortcomings. For a successful person this is a reason to get better ;)