From practice to theory and back to practice - page 19

Uladzimir Izerski:

It is not yet known who created it, but it is clear that someone created it, which is not even a proper thing to discuss in a programming environment. The creator exists. But we don't know anything about him. The same as the computer program we write we don't know who created it).

That's not always true.

Uladzimir Izerski:

The human robots have become so clever that they have started to get into their own software. Crawled into DNA, an important block, without permission. Soon fools will mess it up. We have a lot of fools)))

Well, it's about time we got in there and patched it up, how much longer can we breed like primitive wild animals?


So good, it's high time we got in there and patched it up, how much longer can we breed like primitive wild animals?

Who's left? Me, of course, and Alexei. We need males. Even bees don't drive drones out of the family. I wouldn't exterminate the others. And who will carry our honey?

.... Creator,... Universe.... Our philosophical sayings here.... The whole thing is like an argument between two (or more) shadows.A shadow as a two-dimensional entity, so we all with our universe are just a shadow of four-dimensional space, which in its time is a shadow of five-dimensional space and so on.... Here you go and think what your clever sayings are all about in the background of thirty-dimensional space for example.....
Anatolii Zainchkovskii:
.... Creator,... Universe.... Our philosophical sayings here.... It's all like an argument between two (or more) shadows.A shadow as a two dimensional entity, so we all with our universe are just a shadow of four dimensional space, which in its time is a shadow of five dimensional space and so on.... Here you go and think what your clever sayings are all about in the background of thirty dimensional space for example.....

If you think of it that way, then the whole world and us too is a projection...Price is also a projection of three dimensions...or maybe even 4-dimensional and where all this wealth fits...)


Well, it's high time we got in there and patched it up, how much longer can we breed like primitive wild animals?

They've already messed up the DNA - this image and likeness of God that we will all die out faster than we think, become oil or coal again - it will eventually harden...or create such a mutation of ourselves that we can resist all adversities and even mutate instantly depending on the habitat...we will become dinosaurs again...))

Сергей Криушин:

If you think like that, then the whole world and us too is a projection...Price is also a projection of three dimensional...or maybe even four dimensional and where all this wealth fits...))

Two dimensional wealth is separated from the rest of the dimensions, for safety from fools. We have enough fools everywhere.

Сергей Криушин:

Yes already so screwed up DNA - this image and likeness of God that we will all go extinct faster even than we think...or create such a mutation of our own kind that we can withstand all adversities and even be able to mutate instantly depending on the environment...

So this is the path of development.


I was struck in the head by lightning when I was a child and I got information from outer space. Oh, that's rare information I have. I know the courses ahead of time.

All the resistors in my detector burned out, but I didn't care. Just got hotter than boiling water. Barely cooled down to the right temperature.

Uladzimir Izerski:

Two-dimensional wealth is separated from the rest of the dimensions, for safety from fools. There are fools everywhere.

Fools are not fools, but there are more and more irresponsible people and there is no protection from them ... everyone is subject to their presumptuous influence ... they will set everyone up and bring about, so to speak, the end of the world ... the apocalypse could easily happen in the near future ... some are losing their minds from their omnipotence ...