The Sultonov system indicator - page 64

Uladzimir Izerski:

Why is it thatFA is of no practical use?

FA has to be cooked as well. Without FA, it's all a blur.

Please give your interpretation of FA and what distinguishes it from TA, in your opinion.

Nikolai Semko:

Yusuf, don't play the victim.

No one is trying to humiliate you here, only to knock down your unwarranted prideful conceit and self-confidence.

And I would remind you that I have tried to help you to stop begging for your next idea.

But you just chickened out, hiding under the pretext that it's not a lordly business...

Michael, it's just that I really, to my shame, do not understand MKL. These brackets, their movement along the lines, all sorts of stringing and so on, seem like a nightmare to me. I don't think I'll ever learn to type them by hand. But if you have time to show me step by step how to fill in a blank using example of indicator code on ekzal and MCL, which I cited on a branch by Makkanu and code, perhaps, I will begin to understand and my learning process will not stretch for years. Thank you for your effort to teach me the fine craft of MKL programming! But, it is feasible, when I will restore access to desktop computer, where I have terminals, apparently, need to address MetaEditor, although I do not know what it is. I'll let you know when access is restored, within a month at the most.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Michael, it's just that I really, to my shame, don't understand anything about MKL. These brackets, moving them around the lines, all sorts of strings and stuff, seem like a nightmare to me. I don't think I'll ever learn to type them by hand. But if you have time to show me step by step how to fill in the blank using example of indicator code, which I cited at Makkanu's branch, maybe I will start to understand and my learning process will not stretch for years. Thank you for your efforts to teach me the fine craft of MCL programming!

I used to learn c a long time ago from the book "c++ without fear". Great manual with examples and lessons. MKL is already almost identical, a bit simpler even.

There's nothing complicated about these languages. What I see is what I sing. Variable loops arrays. And all sorts of OOP, class structures and other cumbersome stuff are just language add-ons simplifying the code repeatability. I am not a professional, but I can program all my fantasies))) - if I had a desire. It will take me a couple of weeks to study the book.

Just there are authors, such as straustrup (the author of C) from his read it is easier to jump out the window)))) just for experienced programmers imho.


I used to study C in "c++ without fear" a long time ago. Great manual with examples and lessons. MKL is already almost identical, a bit simpler even.

There's nothing complicated about these languages. What I see is what I sing. Variable loops arrays. And all sorts of OOP, class structures and other cumbersome stuff are just language add-ons simplifying the code repeatability. And I am not a professional. It will take me a couple of weeks to study the book.

Thank you. Please send me a link to this book and a forum thread where they teach amateurs from the very beginning.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Please throw me a link to this book. or elsewhere

C++ без страха
C++ без страха
В большинстве книг по программированию на языке C++ предполагается, что читатель уже программировал на другом языке, а еще лучше на нескольких. Эту книгу можно читать с нуля. Книга содержит большое количество примеров программного кода. Все примеры записаны на прилагаемый к книге компакт-диск, чтобы читатель мог активизировать полученные...

Thank you. But, the first source says:The owner has deleted the files or denied access to them, or there is a typo in the link. The second source has started downloading. Already downloaded the entire 4.5 megabytes in, like, 10 minutes. That's the speed of my unlimited internet for 45 TJS or 700 rubles per month.

Throw in another link to a simpler environment. It can't handle VS.
Yuriy Asaulenko:
I'd like a link to an even simpler environment. It can't cope with VS.

The visual is OK, I think. It's better to use what's in the examples. I don't remember which studio it is, any free version of 2008 or 10. The book seems to have it all.

Вопросы по языку СИ
Вопросы по языку СИ
  • 2019.03.24
как работает такой синтаксис? ф-я внутри себя же...
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Thank you for your words of wisdom.

If you write your formula clearly, according to ONLC, I can make an advisor