My approach. The core is the engine. - page 150

Artyom Trishkin:

So you're also touchy. I was giving you advice, not picking on you. However, do as you see fit - your nihilism doesn't bother me at all - just you.

And, yes, I did not write about "biting" myself, but about Dmitry Fedoseyev - you have bitten him. Read for yourself what you write and to whom you reply.

You give strange advice. You write about some kind of protests, and put a lot of tinsel in your posts. Why?

Artyom Trishkin:


Artem, if you want to really hook me psychologically, then talking about protests doesn't work. Neither does anything else you try. You can bring in a professional psychologist, but I'm not sure he'll be able to. You need to find my weak spot. Try it.

(By the way, Fedoseyev did better at the beginning. He tried to convince me of his fiasco. Only he did not take into account the fact that he himself set himself up. And also that I have a flexible approach. If one variant of the project does not work, I will implement another one. So he failed to demoralise me.)

Реter Konow:

Artem, if you want to really hook me psychologically, then talking about protests doesn't work. Neither does anything else you try. You can invite a professional psychologist, but I'm not sure he'll be able to. You need to find my weak spot. Try it.

(By the way, Fedoseyev did better at the beginning. He tried to convince me of his fiasco. Only he did not take into account the fact that he himself set himself up. And also that I have a flexible approach. If one variant of the project does not work, I will implement another one. That's why he failed to demoralize me.)

You're delusional. And the fact that you keep stalling makes the situation even funnier.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

You're delusional. And the fact that you keep stalling makes it even funnier.

That's weak. Your trolling is weak. Learn how to troll:

So, you think I've failed with my project and you're stalling to realize it.

The question is, why do you think that and I don't? Because you're prone to defeatism. Face it. Everyone figured that out a long time ago.

Your grip is weak and you feel defeat beforehand. And you extrapolate that feeling to the outside world. But that's just your feeling.

Strong people don't give up as early as you used to.

Реter Konow:

Weak. Your trolling is weak in general. Learn how to do it properly:

1. So, you think I've failed with my project, and you're stonewalling to realise it.

2. Question - why do you think that and I don't? Because you're prone to defeatism. Let's face it. Everyone figured that out a long time ago.

3. Your grip is weak and you feel like you're losing. And you extrapolate your feeling to the outside world. But that's just your feeling.

4. Strong people don't give up as early as you used to.

1. it has already happened.

2. Guess for yourself.

3. Some things are true and so I don't suffer bullshit (just manage to guess what's true and what's not).

4. Normal people don't repeat things that don't work.



- Do you have a plan, Mr. Fix?

- Yes! I've always had something to get high on.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

1. it has already happened.

2. Guess for yourself.

3. Some of it is true and so I don't suffer bullshit (just manage to guess what's true and what's not).

4. Normal people don't repeat things that don't produce results.

1. Give me the facts, not your defeatist speculations.

2. you are exactly here and now suffering from bullshit. Prove that you are not.))

4. that's exactly what you're trying to do.

Реter Konow:

1. Give me the facts, not your defeatist speculations.

2. you are here and now suffering from bullshit. Prove that you're not.))

4. That's exactly what you're trying to do.

You're just like the merican congress. Prove it and that's it...

Реter Konow:

1. Give me the facts, not your defeatist speculations.

2. you are here and now suffering from bullshit. Prove that you're not.)

4. That's exactly what you're trying to do.

1. The fact is out there. Here and now. Yes the very fact of talking about some kind of success. What success, what success? What success are we talking about?

2. Yes. Absolutely right. I just have nothing to do in my spare time. I'm having fun.

4. What am I doing now? See item. 3.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

1. The fact is out there. Here and now. The very fact of talking about some kind of success. What success, what success? What success are we talking about?

2. Yes. Absolutely right. I just have nothing to do in my spare time. I'm having fun.

4. What am I doing now? See item. 3.

There you go. Idleness and leads to defeat. And it leads to the conviction of weakness. And this belief - and is a loser, which a man tries to assert publicly, so as not to be lonely.))


I think marriage is about to happen with this

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