From theory to practice - page 675


Well, for now it's enough for me that he was apparently the first to use the price-time relationship, rather than just exploring a numerical series.

He is therefore worth listening to. And immediately we see the answers to the conceptual questions:

1. are ticks necessary? The answer is no. CLOSE M1 for window = a day (we have a row of 1440 numbers) or CLOSE M5 for window = a week (the same number 1440) is enough.

2. What is the size of the sliding window? The answer is different, but corresponding to time periods: day, week, month, etc. At least 1 day!


Basically, I'm not interested in his whole theory. But this kind of thing is worth a lot of money.

You were told the same thing (ticks, windows, etc.) by many people here a year ago. But then you were as insensitive as a pea against a wall. It took you a year of picking at ticks before you realised it. You're slowly beginning to see the light. And that's just the beginning.

Oh, how many wondrous discoveries
The spirit of enlightenment
And experience, the son of hard mistakes,
And genius, the friend of paradoxes,
And chance, God's inventor...

А. С. Pushkin.


The third conceptual issue:

3. Is CLOSE M1, for calculating the estimated ranges of price movement, as done in the theory outlined in this thread, with the calculation of the mean deviation and quantile function sufficient?

- The answer according to Gann: NO. HIGH and LOW price analysis within the moving time window and the spread (HIGH-LOW) is necessary.

Now this is extremely interesting...



Hard to read Gunn, of course...

But, first impressions are these:

1. about distributions and quantiles Gunn hasn't thought about from the word "not even once".

2. Subconsciously, along with Einstein, he used the proportion "displacement square ~ time" only not for molecules, but for prices. This once again proves my point about the applicability of Brownian motion theory to prices.

3. Confidence interval was calculated on the basis of spread (HIGH-LOW) of price in the moving window.

4. The angle between price radius-vector and time axis was the magic key I was searching for. If it is more than 45 degrees - trend, less - flat (or - on the contrary, I haven't understood it yet...)



Hard to read Gunn, of course...

But, first impressions are these:

1. about distributions and quantiles Gunn hasn't thought about from the word "not even once".

2. Subconsciously, along with Einstein, he used the proportion "displacement square ~ time" only not for molecules, but for prices. This once again proves my point about the applicability of Brownian motion theory to prices.

3. Confidence interval was calculated on the basis of spread (HIGH-LOW) of price in the moving window.

4. The angle between price radius-vector and time axis was the magic key I was searching for. If it is more than 45 degrees - trend, less - flat (or - on the contrary, I haven't understood it yet...)

These categories are the same as Hurst, > 0.5 <, Shepherd >2 <, > tg 45 <, and this all applies to SB.
These are the same categories as Hurst, > 0.5 <, Shepherd >2 <, > tg 45 <, and this all applies to SB.

Well, yes, it does.... But, he had results, unlike those using Hurst, for example.


That is, it monitors the current price relative to the starting point, i.e. the price of the day before.

If the current price breaks the upper boundary of the HIGH interval calculated from the previous values, and the angle between the price radius-vector and time axis is >45 degrees - entry on sell, <45 degrees - entry on buy.

Sounds about right...

However, it's not clear when he exited the trade. I will continue reading...


Well, for now it's enough for me that he was apparently the first to use the price-time relationship, rather than just exploring a numerical series.

He is therefore worth listening to. And immediately we see the answers to the conceptual questions:

1. are ticks necessary? The answer is no. CLOSE M1 for window = a day (we have a row of 1440 numbers) or CLOSE M5 for window = a week (the same number 1440) is enough.

2. What is the size of the sliding window? The answer is different, but corresponding to time periods: day, week, month, etc. At least 1 day!


Basically, I'm not interested in his whole theory. But that's the kind of thing that's worth a lot.


The ticks make sense too...


:)))) I'm going to be selling Gunn here until I get at least +25% a month. What else is there to do? At least it'll be fun.

I'm all 25 tentacles for it to be fun! XD
Martin Cheguevara:
I'm all 25 tentacles in favor of having fun! XD

Me too. It's boring without experimentation.

Maybe there's something in here that's useful.

Определение центра масс, теория и онлайн калькуляторы
При исследовании поведения систем частиц, часто удобно использовать для описания движения такую точку, которая характеризует положение и движение рассматриваемой системы как единого целого. Такой точкой служит центр масс. Для однородных тел обладающих симметрией центр масс часто совпадает с геометрическим центром тела. В однородном изотропном...
In my opinion, it is really necessary to divide the branch into several components, namely:
1. identifying the risks
2. Support and close orders
3. Signalling system of trusted entry points
4. order system for trading in the market
5. Monitoring of trade orders
6. Determining the baseline and the most effective statistical indicators for adapting order tracking
7. Defining "flat" "trend" using recursive periodless method.
8. Analyzing each tool's characteristics and "degrees of freedom" to achieve profits based on the order system.
9. Analyzing and assessing the factor of deposit restore (initial and including maximum profit) after losing some part of it or after serial losses.
10. Study of "break-even" strategies when profit probability tends to 1, and loss probability to zero.
11. Research on the application of market tick volume "ripples".
12. Basic trading strategies using one order taking into account 98% randomness of the price in order to use small, although small, percentage advantages due to a slight shift of the probability distribution curve.
It goes like this... And each question requires two or three programmers and a mathematician... Why each question... because each question should be solved in parallel as each question depends on the others, it's easier and more efficient to connect so many factors when you already have individual modules ready but not combined at the beginning than at the end.
I would put the question "from theory to practice". I think with an intensive round-the-clock mode in two to three months would be a fully ready and effective product.Unfortunately, as already imprinted earlier, it's impossible to organize such a thing here. And in other places and forums all the more so, as nowhere have I seen such a close community like this hot and lively discussion of various topics ...