From theory to practice - page 1113

Renat Akhtyamov:
There can be, but only because of ignorance of the subject

In any case, from now on - demanding a straight from my opponent will be mandatory on my part. People like Asaulenko can go to the woods.

Uladzimir Izerski:

Do you not have the brains to sift out the lies?

Lies? Have you figured out what's true and what's false in the market yet?

Well, you're the first to get my hands on it. I'd like to see the state, please. Otherwise, all your speculation isn't worth a damn.


In any case, from now on - demanding a straight from my opponent will be mandatory on my part. People like Asaulenko can go to hell.

What's the big idea? ) You're as bright as a hawk, show and tell him. Where is the promised grail? Show it to me, and then maybe we can talk.
Yuriy Asaulenko:
What's the big idea? You're as naked as a falcon. Show him and tell him. Where's the promised grail? Show it to me, then maybe we can talk.

For now, yes. Okay. I'll post at the end of each week.


Sum buy = close[i] - open[i]

Sum Sell = open[i]-close[i]

If we calculate by this formula and then divide MathMin/MathMax what may happen if Sumbuy will end up equal to Sum Sell

Sum Buy    Sum Sell
-0.00013        0.00013
-0.0001         0.0001
-0.00006        0.00006
-0.00002        0.00002
-0.00004        0.00004
-0.00013        0.00013
-0.00016        0.00016

Maybe Che didn't specify that Sum Buy is only if the candle is up and Sum Sell if it is down.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

No, that kind of reasoning is the lot of beggars

believe in conspiracy theories, scavenge their last crumbs, trust no one. So they're asocial, immoral, jealous. As a consequence, they are miserable.

Bright examples - poor swindler Asaulenko, mad Rena, angry at LIFE Keshenka, bloating Machine and other fairy tale characters.

You're still alive, be happy about it.


I remember, I remember your praised neural-techno signal that lasted 5 days, and on demo.

The risk was less than a percent.

Naturally, successfully draining


Renat Akhtyamov:


I remember, I remember your praised signal that lived for five days.

The risk was less than one percent.

And on the demo.


What signal? I'm doing it publicly and writing articles, I'm not hiding anything from anyone and I don't believe in conspiracy theories.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

what signal? i do publicly and write articles, i don't hide anything from anyone and i don't believe in conspiracy theories

Well, that's what I'm saying, a public signal, successfully pouring out.

You've applied your articles to him, the best ones, of course.

Now all you have to do is read and pour.

So thank you, we don't need your opinion.

Evgeniy Chumakov:

Sum buy = close[i] - open[i]

Sum Sell = open[i]-close[i]

If we calculate by this formula and then divide MathMin/MathMax that may be if Sumbuy in the end equal to Sum Sell

Maybe Che did not specify that Sum Buy is only if the candle is up and Sum Sell if it is down.

Well then for those periods it is so.

Renat Akhtyamov:


I remember, I remember your praised neural tecno signal that lasted 5 days, also on the demo.

The risk was less than a percent.

Naturally, it was a successful drain


Renat, don't touch Maksimka, he is our everything. Jesters have always been allowed much.