September registration for the Real Accounts (Cents) Championship is now open - page 17


Well, it is not rational to hold a competition for 3 contestants


Right - maybe the contest should be moved to October, or maybe even to December at once? Although it would be better to hold the September contest since people are ready to participate. Not many people are participating.

Better once every three months competitions in general in honor of the opening season - spring, summer, autumn, well, in December is clear - the New Year. And that, on New Year's Eve dreams come true)))))

Kids all seem to be going to school or vice versa - to the seaside during the Indian Ocean season, so as not to see these very children ...))

Who would like to try myExpert Advisor on the real-time September-November-Decembercontest of traders? Anyone interested?)))

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Well, it's not rational to hold a competition for 3 contestants

But we don't need to cut it short either.

We should do it.

Server Muradasilov:

But, there's no need to cut down on the roots either.

We have to do it.

Of course we do. But is it really so hard to do everything sensibly?

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and strategy testing

September registration for the Championship of real accounts (cents) is open

Oleg avtomat, 2017.08.21 08:51

Organizers !!!

Start a separate thread for the quarterly contest, post the Rules.

"Contest. Q4 2017."

So that everything is clear and understandable. It's hard to figure out in this thread now... Maybe a lot of people don't know about the quarterly contest.

There's something about the organization that's lagging...

Or is ignoring suggestions the style of your organization?

At least give me a timeline on this quarterly contest. There's nothing.

Even this link doesn't work: So it's to be understood that there is no 11-week contest? Or is there one?

If there's a good organization, participants will come. Otherwise...

Олег avtomat:

Of course you should. But is it so hard to make sense of it?

Or is ignoring suggestions the style of your organisation?

At least give us a timeline for this quarterly competition. There's nothing.

Even this link doesn't work: Is it to be understood that there is no 11-week contest? Or is there one?

If there's a good organization, the participants will come. But for now...

Oleg, don't disappear.)

I will return to the discussion in both threads, in 1-2 hours ...

Регистрация на конкурс IV квартал 2017 (счета центовые)
Регистрация на конкурс IV квартал 2017 (счета центовые)
  • 2017.09.03
Правила те же ,что и в месячном состязании . Если есть что предложить - предлагайте ,конструктивно и обоснованно . Всё обсуждается...
Server Muradasilov:

Oleg, don't disappear.)

Well, the baby's born, thank God... Just don't leave the baby to fend for himself.

I hope you'll be able to get by without a handler here.

Олег avtomat:

Well, you've had your baby, thank God... Just don't leave the baby to its fate.

I hope you can do without a handler here.

We will not give up anything, it's the holiday season.

Server Muradasilov:

We won't give up anything, it's the holiday season, and it's not always possible to do everything quickly.

these are excuses...

Олег avtomat:

are excuses...

Oleg, on the merits please can you ...

Server Muradasilov:

Oleg, could you please ...

The substance? What do you want to hear on substance?

Well, for example, the essence :

In a quarterly competition I set a goal of 100-fold increase in the starting deposit.

That's the essence! ;))