Get an ePayments debit card for free - page 5

Evgeny Belyaev:

Thanks for the explanation.

You're welcome)
What if the card is ordered in roubles? What would the costs be?

Has anyone from Ukraine already cashed out? I guess we don't have dollar ATMs at the moment?

I found a bank and their "Fee Schedule" says conversion 1.5% and ATM withdrawal 2%. Is that $2.6 + 3.5% - is that all or is there more?


I calculated that the withdrawal from webmoney is about 4% of the initial amount.

With the dollar ePayments withdrawal from a ruble ATM:

From us take 2.6 $ + 2.6% of the amount and more conversion at an unknown rate, probably not particularly profitable?

Has anyone calculated how much such a scheme would cost and how much % of the initial amount we would pay?

Vasiliy Pushkaryov:

Has anyone from Ukraine already cashed out? As far as I understand, we don't have any dollar ATMs at the moment?

I found a bank, their "Tariffs" says: conversion 1.5% and withdrawal at ATMs 2%. Is this $2.6 + 3.5% - is that all or will there be more?

The card is in $. At the ATM you order the amount in UAH. The amount will be charged at the MasterCard internal exchange rate. From the calculated amount of dollars will take another 2.6% ($) and separately take another $2.6. When there are no exchange rate fluctuations, MasterCard exchange rate turns out quite good and as a result, withdrawal may be either almost equal to WebMoney or slightly + -.

The additional commission - you have to look at the banks - for example, Privat will gladly buy your $ from epayments card and will not take any of its own commission.

Vladimir Karputov:

The card is in $. At the ATM you order the amount in UAH. The amount will be charged at the MasterCard internal exchange rate. From the calculated amount of dollars take another 2.6% ($) and separately take another $2.6. When there are no exchange rate fluctuations, MasterCard exchange rate turns out pretty good and eventually withdrawal may be either almost equal to WebMoney or small + -.

And the additional commission - you need to look at the banks - for example Privat will gladly buy your $ from epayments card and will not take ANY of its own commission.

Where do you find these exchangers give me a link please

or personal anything google gives out is not exchanged

Aleksei Beliakov:

Where do you find these exchangers give me a link please

Or private all that google gives is no longer exchangeable

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Alexandr Saprykin:

It should be without bank charges. E-payments will pay the bank's fee.

That is, if you withdraw not in dollars or euros $2.6+2.6%

Pos-pay 2.6%.

You do not know, so why are you giving out advice?

ePayments charges $2.6 for ATM withdrawals. Plus another 2.6% if the withdrawal currency is different from the card currency. If the currency is the same, you won't be charged. What's not clear?

Vasiliy Sokolov:

You don't seem to know, so why are you giving advice?

ePayments charges $2.6 for ATM withdrawals. Plus another 2.6% if the withdrawal currency is different from the card currency. If the currency is the same, it is not charged.

You kind of look at what we have the same thing written. Only in different words.
Evgeny Belyaev:

With dollar ePayments withdrawals from a ruble ATM :

Will we be charged $2.6 + 2.6% of the amount and conversion at an unknown rate, probably not very favourable?

There will be no charge+ 2.6%. Only $2.6 per transaction + conversion USD -> RUR at MasterCard's own exchange rate. This rate is 2 percent worse than the exchange rate