I am plagued by questions of the universe


Stopped by this site, bored. No interesting topics. It used to be more interesting. So I decided to diversify the topics a bit. I can't get comfortable with my world view. Maybe someone can help me understand it.

Misunderstanding #1. Scientists say the universe is expanding, galaxies are scattering in different directions. What about the stars - are they spreading out too? What about planets? Atoms? I saw a documentary. A scientist was illustrating how the universe is expanding. He drew circles of galaxies on a rubber square. Then he pulled the corners. The circles scattered. Then aligned one circle before stretching with the same circle after stretching and showed how all the other circles ran away from our circle. And the farther the circle was from ours, the farther it ran away. It all made sense. But the circles also increased in size in such an experiment. So we're all expanding, our atoms are scattering, etc. But if everything in the universe is increasing in size, then our ruler, by which we measure the distance, also grows in proportion to everything. So any distance measured by our growing ruler does not change. Thus, it is impossible to measure the expansion of the Universe, as any standard (ruler) of such measurement also grows. It turns out that the universe is not expanding, at least from the point of view of an observer inside this universe. Maybe someone can clarify. Then I will ask the second, more difficult question.

If you don't mind me asking a couple of questions too, where does the "Primordial Law" of duality and five for example come from, because the division into 2 is everywhere, five is also interesting look at the hand going into 5 fingers, then go up a level higher and the torso also has 5 branches, and how they are shaped like fingers. It seems to me that these are legitimate fundamentals. If we continue to theorize, these are laws of at least the solar system. Or take conscious dreams and take this reality as a starting point, a dream is some position of which we do not remember much with some strange laws, etc., now we move the point of reference into the dream. When we are there we all feel air touch sounds etc. but what do we remember about our reality at that moment, some thing with strange laws of which we remember very little. When the point of reference is moved, both positions become equivalent. All this is IMHO.

Stopped by this site, bored. No interesting topics. It used to be more interesting. So I decided to diversify the topics a bit. That's why I can't calm down with such incomprehensible worldviews. Maybe somebody can help me understand it.

Misunderstanding #1. Scientists say the universe is expanding, galaxies are scattering in different directions. What about the stars - are they spreading out too? What about planets? Atoms? I saw a documentary. A scientist was demonstrating how the universe is expanding. He drew circles of galaxies on a rubber square. Then he pulled the corners. The circles scattered. Then combined one circle before stretching with the same circle after stretching and showed how all the other circles ran away from our circle. And the farther the circle was from ours, the farther it ran away. I got it. But the circles also increased in size in such an experiment. So we're all expanding, our atoms are scattering, etc. But if everything in the universe is increasing in size, then our ruler, by which we measure the distance, also grows in proportion to everything. So any distance measured by our growing ruler does not change. Thus, it is impossible to measure the expansion of the Universe, as any standard (ruler) of such measurement also grows. It turns out that the universe is not expanding, at least from the point of view of an observer inside this universe. Maybe someone can clarify. Then I will ask the second, more difficult question.

How much did the calendar year drop off in percentage of profits into the dry balance?

P.S. Maybe you just ate something heavy for dinner? Gas? :-)

Now I'm starting to wonder: what is a "worldview"? Creation - I know. Please enlighten me.
Now I'm starting to wonder: what is a "worldview"? Creation - I know. Please enlighten me.

It reeks of the world behind the scenes and them building some kind of building... Hmmm, something like that.

Read Michio Kaku (theoretical physicist, professor, PhD, missionary publicist, populariser of modern science) and many questions will fall away.

There are many of his articles and books on the internet.

A lot of popular science films, including BBC, where he narrates in language that even housewives can understand.

Go through everything you find on the Internet. It is very interesting.



It reeks of the world behind the scenes and them building some kind of building... Hmmm, something like that.
Retribution - I know... on merit, for example. A building is a building, a structure, but a reckoning is some kind of retribution for creating

Stopped by this site, bored. No interesting topics. It used to be more interesting. So I decided to diversify the topics a bit. I can't get comfortable with my world view. Maybe somebody can help me understand it.

Misunderstanding #1. Scientists say the universe is expanding, galaxies are scattering in different directions. What about the stars - are they spreading out too? What about planets? Atoms? I saw a documentary. A scientist was illustrating how the universe is expanding. He drew circles of galaxies on a rubber square. Then he pulled the corners. The circles scattered. Then combined one circle before stretching with the same circle after stretching and showed how all the other circles ran away from our circle. And the farther the circle was from ours, the farther it ran away. It all made sense. But the circles also increased in size in such an experiment. So we're all expanding, our atoms are scattering, etc. But if everything in the universe is increasing in size, then our ruler, by which we measure the distance, also grows in proportion to everything. So any distance measured by our growing ruler does not change. Thus, it is impossible to measure the expansion of the Universe, as any standard (ruler) of such measurement also grows. It turns out that the universe is not expanding, at least from the point of view of an observer inside this universe. Maybe someone can clarify. Then I'll ask the second, more difficult question.

Everything is expanding with acceleration - a result of so-called dark energy. More precisely, "the repulsive effect of dark energy".

"Scattering" is best seen for clusters of galaxies and galaxies and worse at the subatomic level. This is due to the existence of so-called fundamental interactions between particles at the subatomic level - such as the strong nuclear interaction.

But, if the existing theory of the existence of dark energy is correct, eventually it will break all the bonds of matter at the subatomic level as well and the end of the world will come.

But don't be scared - the solution to the equation of state for dark energy has not yet been found and this scenario remains an unproven hypothesis.

When it will be found, then we will have to piss.

Although, it looks like we will have to piss anyway.....


Read Michio Kaku (theoretical physicist, professor, PhD, missionary publicist, populariser of modern science) and many questions will fall away.

There are many of his articles and books on the internet.

A lot of popular science films, including BBC, where he narrates in language that even housewives can understand.

Go through everything you find on the Internet. It is very interesting.


That's it, gone for six months searching for Professor Kaki's writings and the meaning of all nonsense

Everything that people see, hear, touch and so on. It is the result of the interpretation of the bipedal brain. So it's not a fact that everything you see (in terms of objectivity and subjectivity) really exists. So all atoms, universes and so on, exist only in our heads.

It is entirely human nature to look for order and meaning in everything, categorizing unexplored phenomena and objects. This is the way our mind is built. (As a classifier)


Everything that people see, hear, touch and so on. It is the result of the interpretation of the bipedal brain. So it's not a fact that everything you see (in terms of objectivity and subjectivity) really exists. So all atoms, universes and so on, exist only in our heads.

It is entirely human nature to look for order and meaning in everything, assigning categories to phenomena and objects which have not been studied. This is the way our mind is built. (As a classifier)

It would be true if everyone saw differently due to the individuality of each individual, but we all see the same thing. And animals see, albeit differently, with the same physical properties.