I am plagued by questions of the universe - page 28



For everyone else it will be a transfer of information, but for you it won't be.

I'm being kind.



For everyone else it will be a transfer of information, but for you it won't be.

I'm being kind.

So, what's the information there? And why do you keep your word for everyone? Kind, but not honest...

Okay, what's the information there? And why do you keep your word for everyone?

Right now. I'm going to drop everything and start retyping scientific articles here........

At least look on Wikipedia yourself.


right now. I'll just drop everything and start retyping scientific articles here........

At least look on Wikipedia yourself.

and you can't fit your truth into one sentence?
and one sentence from yourself won't get your truth down?

the truth is universal! Truth doesn't fit anywhere.......
the truth is universal! Truth goes nowhere.......

Tell me if you know why quantum telep. is the transmission of information, however ... I'm taking an interest
Tell me if you know why quantum telep. is the transmission of information, however .

search rules. Somehow I think it's going to work out...

From the first sentence of the quantum teleport experiment on the wiki, all the mythical lore of the fic disappears.

"When performing quantum teleportation, in addition to transmitting information via a quantum channel, it is also necessary to transmit the additional information needed to read the message via a classical channel"

The note "it is also necessary to transmit the additional information required to read the message via the classic channel" makes it all make sense. It turns out that a square telep. - is simply recreating an object from a template.

"For transmission of "quantum part" Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlations characteristic for quantum entangled particles are used, while for transmission of classical information any usual communication channel is suitable."

It is disconcerting to see the lengthening of the transmission of the newly conducted experiments, why would that be

It's an interpretive branch.


Don't you think it would have been MORE interpretive if the title had been a little shorter:

" I am tormented by worlds"?




Don't you think it would have been MORE interpretive if the title had been a little shorter:

" I am tormented by worlds"?


languor, not schizophrenia!