MetaTrader 4 Build 529 beta released with new compiler - page 112

XP sp3 and not going to change it ))))

Completely agree with your choice. Everything still works on XP now. I use it myself and don't intend to change it even after March 2014.

But since a lot of customers have installed Windows 7 for some reason, I have to test the final products on it too :(


Китай просит Microsoft продлить поддержку Windows XP [03.12.2013 22:33:00]

В то время, как корпорация Microsoft всеми доступными ей способами тонко и не очень призывает пользователей перейти на более современную версию операционной системы Windows (если быть точнее, то в роли преемницы называется Windows 8), государственные организации разных стран всё ещё пользуются Windows XP и по тем или иным причинам не "двигаются с места". Китайские власти попросили Microsoft продлить поддержку устаревшей операционной системы, так как (по одной из названных причин) переход на Windows 8 обойдётся учреждениям в слишком большую сумму. В настоящее время пользователи Windows 8 составляют менее 3% от всего компьютерного населения Китая, в то время как пользователей Windows XP насчитывается 45%. Windows 7 занимает второе место - 38%. Китайские власти считают, что раз за использование операционной системой было заплачено, корпорация Microsoft обязана оказывать техническую поддержку.

В Японии и странах Азиатского региона наблюдается примерно такая же картина: большинство правительственных учреждений по-прежнему пользуются Windows XP.

Компания же Vanson Bourne по просьбе Dell и VMware провела в октябре исследования, результаты которого нельзя назвать оптимистичными для Microsoft: на данный момент 94% копий Windows XP (среди опрошенных организаций) установлено на устаревших компьютерах. И только 34% собираются на самом деле мигрировать на другую версию ОС. Причём, 36% сисадминов признали, что процесс миграции даже и близко не стоял к завершению (на самом деле всё ещё находится на стадии анализа).

Из тех самых 34% "мигрантов" большая часть собирается переходить на Windows 7, а Windows 8 выбрало минимальное количество IT-специалистов.

Во всём же мире Windows XP по-прежнему пользуется больше трети владельцев персональных компьютеров.

h ttp://



China asks Microsoft to extend support for Windows XP [03.12.2013 22:33:00]

I don't think it's worth discussing this topic in front of Renate.

But personally I will hope that Microsoft will hear the Chinese authorities' request!


Am I the only one?

History all by symbol is loaded by F2. I'm running tests on all ticks. One week only. From 2013/12/02 to 2013/12/10.

Tester starts loading M1 and that's it ... Lights out, throw a grenade. It took 8 minutes to load, then another five minutes for the whole system to hang. Then I pressed Abort process for another three minutes on popping up a window from Mozilla that the script wasn't responding ... Only started testing about 15 minutes after pressing Start in the tester. And it's like this every time I start up on all the ticks. This hasn't happened before.

Could you please send the client terminal and tester logs to servicedesk?

A hearing is required


I don't think it's worth discussing this topic in front of Renate.

But personally I will hope that Microsoft hears the Chinese authorities' request!

What a waste! Renat is right about the new OS versions. We should switch to new versions!

Vista and 7 are considerably more stable. At least they can get out of standby mode and enter it as many times as they want. I have never seen the blue screen in all my time. As a user it is a pleasure.

For programming, starting from Vista, there are many useful new WinAPI functions, which are unavailable in XP.


One more question,

are the compilers (ME) now the same for the latest version of MT5 and the new MT4? I.e. can I use compiler from MT5 to compile new MT4 files? (the compilation is working now, but the MetaEditor builds from the latest MT5 and MT4 don't match...)



One more question,

are the compilers (ME) now the same for the latest version of MT5 and the new MT4? I.e. can I use compiler from MT5 to compile new MT4 files? (the compilation is working now, but the MetaEditor builds from the latest MT5 and MT4 don't match...)



But until MT4 release, MT4 compiler is updated more often than MT5. So it's better to compile from MT4.


Could you please send the logs of the client terminal and the tester to servicedesk?

A trial is required

Can't reproduce the situation again. The computer has been switched on continuously for a fortnight. After this behaviour of the tester, the computer is also muted altogether. Had to reboot the system after all. Now I'm trying to reproduce the situation of this morning, but it fails. Everything is working normally. History loads for a couple of seconds and the tester works fine.

Probably a false alarm on my part.


And for nothing! Renat is right about the new versions of the OS. We need to switch to the new ones!

Vista and 7 are considerably more stable.

Well, you're overreacting about Vista, but 7 is.

As a lover of new OS, I can say that Win8.1 is much more stable than 8!

Go for it now!


Well, you're overreacting about Vista, but 7 is.

As a new OS enthusiast, I can tell you that Win8.1 is much more stable than 8!

Go for it right away!

As a user, I haven't noticed any difference between Vista and 7. It's the same thing.