Apply the template programmatically? - page 2


It's not hard to make a template layout format and immediately make a file and put it in the appropriate folder ?

Or for example save always in one (by name the highest), and then find it and rename it at file level (copy with the new name)

ZS. What are you going to do?)


I cannot find out all the data needed for the chart (top hat) and the indicators on the chart without crutching and emulation. Therefore, saving only and exclusively by means of the terminal.

Soon I will not only tell but also show :) far from guaranteeing that it will take off, but in terms of effort to the possible effect, a thing that just need to try to implement and run, and then we'll see.


if the templates are different, maybe try this :

Ну или например сохранять всегда в один (по имени самый верхний), а потом находить его и переименовывать на уровне файла (копировать с новым именем)


if the patterns are different, maybe try this :

By default, template_name is suggested as the name to save when saving. I can't influence this.
I'll have to dig through last year's archives; I've successfully solved this problem somewhere. If I find it, I'll post it.

If anyone has a better and more efficient way, please let me know.

Andrey, mql5 in September (max October) will be in quad, probably a bunch of fives functions will run on quad (though maybe not all at once).

Most likely, the running of the template will be too. Wouldn't it be more efficient just to wait?

// Or better yet, ask-question then make a fuss if it definitely won't happen.


Andrei, mql5 will be in September (max October) in quad, for sure a bunch of fives functions will run on quad (though maybe not all at once).

There will be a public beta in September. Ie a normal release by winter or even after the New Year. I now over the weekend nakidayut and throw. If people like it, I will develop. And if not, the sense of waiting no.


ZS. And what are you going to do, eh? Maybe in confidence tell ;).

Why should I be afraid of it?

I want to:

let it be .tpl on the net

I want that:

let it be a .tpl over the network

will you also package and send ?

what about the indictors? will you also pack them and send them out?

Including those that look at instruments that are not in this dc or are called differently

But it's still a good idea.

what about the indictors ? will you also pack them and send them out ?

Of course not. But (all future tense - that's assuming it takes off) I will make a list of indicators by name and possibly alert you if some indicators are missing.

It's strange that you ask about indicators. The biggest problem is the server time shift and the completeness of the history, because of which the builds may get completely messed up.

And if I can shift the time on the user, I will not be able to do anything about the history.

But even taking into account the minuses, it could take off.


Including those that look at the instruments that are not present in this brokerage house or have a different name.

There's nothing I can do about it. I mean, if the user is not stupid, they can certainly beat it. But I am not able to solve this level of problem automatically.