Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass by. Nowhere without you - 6. - page 6


so actually erase what I've saved?

great method! :))

So you want me to do it for you?


what if i want what i saved?

Then what do I do?

First think, then do.

There are 1000 different do I delete so many?
(Ctrl+B\Ctrl+A\ delete button)

So you are suggesting that I do it for you?

Think first, do later.

(Ctrl+B\Ctrl+A\ delete button)


I've been wanting to ask a question for a long time.

Why does the Visualize function visualize only trades on a naked chart? Because none of the indicators working in the Expert Advisor in real time is NOT drawn! (only at the end of the test)

is it a special way to make your life easier?


I've been wanting to ask a question for a long time.

Why is the Visualize function visualizing only trades on a naked chart? Because none of the indicators working in the Expert Advisor in real time is NOT drawn! (only at the end of the test)

is it a special way to make your life easier?

It's a long explanation, just use it as it is. If you want to see your indicators on the chart, put them there first.

Can you tell me which language the dll library syntax is borrowed from? I'm looking at it, it's kind of weird.

1. Return value without brackets:

// noreturn2.cpp
__declspec(noreturn) extern void fatal () {}

int main() {
     return 1;
   else if(0)
     return 0;

2. some 2 colons, between... as I understood (judging by logic), class and function name:

double MyMathFuncs:: Add(double a, double b)
        return a + b;


return without brackets is used in many languages. in MKL return() is a function, with all its implications.



return without brackets is used in many languages. in MKL return() is a function, with all its implications.

Yes. And where it is without parentheses, it may be with parentheses. Yet return is an operator. Parentheses are a peculiarity of syntax and compiler.
Yes. And where there are no parentheses, you can have parentheses. Still, return is an operator. Brackets are a peculiarity of syntax and compiler.

But I suspect that it is made by a function here...

Can you tell me which language the syntax of the dll libraries is borrowed from ?

The answer was in the comment:

// noreturn2.cpp

- C plus plus.


2. Some 2 colons, between... as I understood (judging by the logic), the class and the function name:

That's right.
Hi all !!! Is it possible to write a script that would take quotes for certain currency pairs and calculate something like "average arithmetic" for these indicators ?
I.e. For example, the rate of the currency pair A - 50 points, B - 50, C - 150 (50+50+150/3= 83,33)

What is the problem? You take the values of quotes and add them up... divide them... multiply them... and do what you want with them.