Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass by. Nowhere without you - 6. - page 469


What kind of sound is it? Listen to all sound files from terminal folder, is it there at all (if it is, rename or move it)? What OS, what build of the terminal, what antivirus (maybe it's the one squealing)?

I've checked the sound files in the terminal folder, it's not there. Win 7 64 Bit OS, terminal latest build 604 from 07.02.2014, tried to disable antivirus - same thing. I've been googling for the second day now.

Can't find anything, what the fuck. Started after an update from 509 to 604 build.

The sound I already wrote, like a test frame in the TV.


I've checked the sound files in the terminal folder, it's not there. Win 7 64 Bit OS, terminal latest build 604 from 07.02.2014, tried to disable antivirus - same thing. I've been googling for the second day now.

Can't find anything, what the fuck. Started after an update from 509 to 604 build.

Sound I've already written, like a test frame in the TV.

Maybe a mosquito's nose got pinched! :)))
Maybe a mosquito's nose got pinched! :)))

Yeah, that's funny :-(

I'm getting crazy. Has no one else really come across this?

I have pads from different DCs on my computer and laptop and everywhere the same. Doesn't anyone else have it beeping?


Here's something else I found: if I interrupt the connection to the server (bottom right in the terminal), there is no sound.

So it's not the OS or the computer. The signal seems to be coming from the server. But why the same sound is coming from all DCs and only on the last build is a question.


evillive :

Please give me a hint=)


Yeah, it's funny :-(

I'm already going crazy. Hasn't anyone else really encountered this?

I have pads from different DCs on my computer and my laptop and it's the same everywhere. Doesn't anyone else have it beeping?

When you start any terminal on your computer or laptop, does it beep???

I apologise if this has been the case. Couldn't find a way to solve it.

struct Item {
    int     id;
    string  name;

void OnStart() {

    // вот так можно:
    Item i1 = {1, "one"}, i2 = {2, "two"};
    Item items[];
    ArrayResize(items, 5);
    // на это компилятор ругается
    items[0] = {4, "Арнольд"};
    // а это идёт без ошибок
    items[0].id = 4; items[0].name = "Арнольд";
    items[1].id = 2; items[1].name = "Ораклян";
    items[2].id = 5; items[2].name = "Джо";
    items[3].id = 1; items[3].name = "Голем";
    items[4].id = 3; items[4].name = "Бес";
    // сортировка массива структур по "id""
    for (int i = 0; i < ArraySize(items) - 1; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < ArraySize(items) - 1; ++j)
            if (items[j].id > items[j + 1].id) {
                // error
                Item buff = items[j];
                items[j] = items[j + 1];
                items[j + 1] = buff;

The Item structure here is complex. And there are 2 questions about complex structures:

1) why can't the structure be initialized like this: items[0] = {4, "Arnold"};? If you do it not from an array, it works. How can I do it from an array?

2) It's quite strange that I can't assign one structure to another, as in the body of the second loop (those who write in Delphi will understand me). So how do I achieve the desired result. In help it says that a structure including string (objects and arrays, blah, blah) is "complex". But I haven't seen there how to "assign" them to each other. Perhaps we have to somehow manage with pointers. Please advise how to solve this problem!

When you start any terminal on your computer or laptop, does it beep???

yes any terminal after the update.

One left 509 build, this one is fine. On startup it asks for an update but I haven't updated and there is no beeping. Only after update the terminals beep.


yes any terminal after the upgrade.

One left 509 build, this one is fine. On start up it asks for an update but I haven't updated and there is no beep. Only after update the terminals beep.

As far as I know, the terminal can beep ONLY for an event and if it is allowed to beep: Settings->Events->Allow (checkbox).
Try "digging" from there.

yes any terminal after the upgrade.

One left 509 build, this one is fine. On start up it asks for an update but I haven't updated and there is no beeping. Only after update the terminals beep.

Why don't you post the problem in the new build thread? At least the developers are always looking there, but only third party programmers are here.