Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 170

Alright, have a good one :-)
In the first case it's normal, but in the second it's immoral.

Morality and the law don't always go hand in hand.

My point is that the anecdote is a bit tight, lacking in common sense... as are all the endeavours of Nekola and their ilk.

Alright, good luck to all :-)

And may the force be with you!
I have a good time for it.)

You know what you are, comrade? You're a common pussy-baller.

When you have something to show, come on in, but not shitty shares, which even schoolboys know how to make nowadays, but at least a decent pamm in a reputable brokerage house.


Why show?????!!! Why a PAMM? .... Or do you want to make a billion out of a million? Definitely get the attention of everyone from gangsters to the government.

I'm leaning towards making a million out of a thousand. Unobtrusive, so......

Although I partly agree, since you created the topic, show current affairs....


You want to go fuck yourself ))))

vasabu: go fuck yourself, you shaved forex dude)))


Partly agree though, since you've created a thread, show the current stuff....

Key suggestion!!!

The topic for several years - I come periodically, and monitoring of the account at least a penny (but in real money) no.

I would have liked it if I had known better, because I have understood that it would be impossible to bend people's heads for a long time without monitoring.


Key suggestion!!!

The topic is several years old - I come periodically, but the account monitoring, at least a penny (but for real money) does not exist.

Alexander seems to be smarter, he left the topic a long time ago, because he realized that it would be impossible to bend people's heads for a long time without monitoring. After all, what could be easier - monitor the account and show your colleagues the results of their work - then there would really be the respect of colleagues.

Somebody needs the "respect of colleagues", it is neither warm nor cold, you are talking rubbish, you have to show them everything, and without it you cannot lift a finger.

As for the RTS, if someone needs "respect of colleagues", it makes you feel warm and cold, you are talking rubbish, you cannot do anything without it, you should just write account numbers to which you transfer the money, you are spoiling communication and you are of no use at all

My dear friend, what good will it do if these fantasists think that equity trading is a grail? The only difference is that you get 4 or more times more money on spread and commission.


Does anyone need this "respect of colleagues", it is neither warm nor cold, you are talking rubbish, you will not lift a finger without it, you should immediately write account numbers to which money should be transferred, you are spoiling communication and you are of no use

I wonder if you know what an independent account monitoring is?