FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 115


Not out of breath )))) No signs even ))))

the yellow ones are low. tch is close by.
All right, that's it for today))) a crazy day... well, interesting, something to think about{\...

I don't see myself running out of steam


Not out of breath )))) No sign of it even ))))

Going to blow my mind )))) Interesting day today)))

2012.08.03 20:59:54 '3001847': order was opened : #7088047 sell 1.10 EURUSD at 1.2388 sl: 1.2490 tp: 1.2290

2012.08.03 21:00:32 '3001847': order was opened : #7088052 sell 1.10 GBPUSD at 1.5643 sl: 1.5747 tp: 1.5547


I don't see myself running out of steam

and you can't see the growth in falling volumes?

On the betting yellow lows went tch somewhere close to

But everyone has seen many times on almost empty volumes the price went quite far in defiance of any common sense ))))
2012.08.02 15:31:26 *Draghi: No point in opening short positions on the euro
You should have listened to Uncle Mario... :((((((

and you can't see the height in the falling volumes?

I don't really believe in these volumes, just for the sake of beauty ))))

and you can't see growth on falling volumes?

My view so far is that they are trying to buy back. If there is a fall, it will be sharp, imho. Let's see...