Exoteric, psychology for trading. - page 20


I also used to babysit others at first. Especially when I was still unable to do anything. Then I understood that I was wasting my energy. When I succeeded, I understood that that was the way the world was. It is very harmonious. Who is in a monastery having fun, who is working at a machine, who is stealing, who is fighting, who is getting high, who is pleasing girls, even rapists with their victims are in place in this world. Everything is all right. Everything and everyone balances each other out.

The good Soviet film "A Mirror for a Hero" comes immediately to mind about the highlighted one. A drop sharpens a stone, as they say. No one knows where and who I would be now if I had not been helped in the past as well (I am not referring here to this particular human life, but in terms of the flow of rebirth). Perhaps for some this would be a "bifurcation point". But of course, in life, I too gave up long ago on proving or changing someone's mind. Only my own example can work here. And I wrote this to balance the negative, so that the reader has an alternative to choose, pluralism of opinion is something like that.


P/S/ Well and as correctly noticed by Alexey (Mathemat) merit and positive karma will not be superfluous either, and since karma has the property of coming back, then in the future, also I will be helped and guided on the right path by others, if I deviate to the side. There is no middle ground. Either you are in the up stream or in the down stream. Everyone chooses for themselves. Others can only help, suggestion etc.

well, buddha himself said little about rebirth :-) - evasively... with jokes and jokes... like a light from one candle to another :-) so what kind of a light are you? if your personal self-consciousness has been destroyed - it does not matter who or what you were... if you were - if you are not a phantom of my dream - existing only for me to write these lines :-)
well, buddha himself said little about rebirth :-) - evasively... with jokes and jokes... like a light from one candle to another :-) so what kind of a light are you? if your personal self-consciousness has been destroyed - it does not matter who or what you were... or if you ever were - are you not a phantom of my dream - existing only for me to write these lines :-)

Well, yes ... something lines from Makar came to mind "Everyone believes in their uniqueness, wondering that there is no confirmation of it ...".

I liked it in Zadoy - earned, even if for free and accidentally - the main thing - take it off, buy yourself a favorite at least cognac! - Something switches there... - and it works!!!

There's the whole esoteric meaning buried here...

Thu, 07 Jun 2012 12:46:05 +0400
<FlipTale> The emptiness inside. How do you fight it?

<Stasyara> put food in it

(c) bash


Yeah, well... a line from Makar comes to mind "Everyone believes he is exceptional and wonders if there is no proof of it"...

Listen, do you remember a line from Boris Leonidych? - "To love others is a heavy cross..."

We can actually remember the commandment... - "Love thy neighbour as thyself" - and then it's just a matter of making up your mind and answering the main question - how much do you love yourself?

To love your neighbour as yourself... and a situation like "To love others is a heavy cross..." simply cannot arise by definition...


The 11th commandment: Do to your neighbour what he has not done to you.

That's how we live. In some places we do.


The 11th commandment: Do toyour neighbour what he has not done to you.

That ' s howwe live. In some placeswe do.

You shouldn't do that... Ratnashamba's gonna come along and teach you about life...
You shouldn't do that... Ratnashamba will come and teach you about life...
Who's Ratnashamba? It's been a while since I've followed the game... - I'm out of touch...