Humour - page 219

I thought at least it wouldn't be personal, but it isn't.)
You think this is personal? The president used his power to drive the first lady underground, tied her hands and gagged her like millions of other people.
Thank God she got a divorce from him to end this humiliating cohabitation.
And why would our macho old woman, an invalid after suffering a broken spine and fractured skull base?

even if it's for an invalid, okay he's a jerk, she has nothing to do with it. )

Harlequin star disease. Clowns want to be more than just a clown.
Harlequin star disease. The clowns want to be more than just a bunch of freaks.

Thieves have broken into your house. Robbed, even though you are at home. It's as if you don't exist. One of the thieves recently got divorced. Are you going to comfort him or try to get rid of the criminals?

They're normal people. They love their country. They want to live in it. That's why they hate criminals and try to do their best.


love the news from the past )))!!!


Also... crocodile or pepper level

Are you in a bad mood? Try saying without smiling: "Misha, Misha, bear! Teach me how to f*ck!"
Loudspeakers over 15W should only be sold on presentation of a certificate confirming that the person is not a fucking idiot...

Sambists punch each other in the face at Kensington Palace in London

And at the same time some granny in Germany, having fallen asleep at her computer at work, transferred 222 222 222 222 EUR to someone unknown.))) Too bad it wasn't for me(((.

German bank supervisor unfairly fired over 'sleep error'<br / translate="no">
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Sleeping on the job
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A German labour court has ruled that a bank supervisor was unfairly sacked for missing a multi-million-euro error by a colleague who fell asleep during a financial transaction.

The clerk was transferring 64.20 euros (£54.60) when he didzed off with his finger on the keyboard, resulting in a transfer of 222,222,222.22 euros.

BBC News
