Negro! - page 91


My brother told me that Americans in small towns work all day until the evening and then close up in their huts in the evening, eating until night. Well, it's different in the big cities.)
Just like in Russia.)
In other words, the outrageous things the US government does in their country and around the world are of no interest to US citizens. They live in their country unknowingly. They are so busy, they have no time, they are raising their children. And the fact that children in other countries are dying under bombs and starving because of their policies - they don't give a fuck. Is that how it works?
Most people are like that everywhere now, no one gives a fuck about anything, as long as they don't touch).

My brother told me that Americans in small towns work all day and night, and in the evening they close up in their huts and eat until nightfall. Well, it depends on what you like in big cities.)

You can argue a lot about the States, Russia and Belarus. Everyone who says something has seen a small part of life in this or that country, even those who have lived in Russia for 15, 20, 50 years.

By and large, people are alike everywhere, but the difference is in the little things.

In other words, the outrageous things the US government does in their country and around the world are of no interest to US citizens. They live in their country unknowingly. They are so busy, they have no time, they are raising their children. And the fact that children in other countries are dying under bombs and starving because of their policies - they don't give a fuck. Is that how it works?

Dima, so you sat on the bench in front of the house with your friends and a beer, showing that you care about the situation in the country and the world, and so what?


You can argue a lot about the States, about Russia and about Belarus. Everyone who says something has seen a small part of life in this or that country, even those who lived 15, 20, 50 years in Russia.

By and large, people everywhere are alike, but the difference is in the little things.

The Chinese have a social cult of work (making money) and a cult of food. They tend to talk about either work or food. This was told to us by a girl-guide who lived there for 4 years.

Here's an example. Today, when I was about to go home from work, I was chatting with a Chinese woman on Skype and told her I was going home, we'll continue tomorrow. She wished me a good appetite! Funny, isn't it? In Russia nobody has ever wished me that before at the end of the working day. )))


The Chinese have a social cult of work (making money) and a cult of food. They tend to talk about either work or food. This was told to us by a girl-guide who lived there for 4 years.

Here's an example. Today, when I was about to go home from work, I was chatting with a Chinese woman on Skype and told her I was going home, we'll continue tomorrow. She wished me a good appetite! Funny, isn't it? In Russia nobody has ever wished me that before at the end of the working day. )))

The culture in other countries is very good, people there can't compare with Russians :D

So I'll enjoy my appetite too, I'm going to bed :D


_ но вся разница в мелочах.

Only, this is the result of US policy, not Russian policy. And there will be a price to pay. There will have to be.
The "US martingale dump" will come sooner or later.

Yes, the culture in other countries is high, you can't compare people there to Russians :D

Don't generalise everything.


Only, this is the result of US policy, not Russian policy. And there will be a price to pay. You will have to.
The "US martingale drain" will come sooner or later.

Before the US, of course, they were all well-fed and happy, having intelligent conversations about art and dreaming of going into space.

Dima, I am not accusing or excusing anyone, just understand that there are many colours in the world, not just black and white.


Yes, the culture in other countries is high, people there can't compare to the Russians :D

So, bon appétit for me too, I'm off to bed :D

It's not about the culture in general but about its peculiarities. Well, I was wished a good evening, a good weekend, a good rest, and she specifically, "enjoy your appetite". A peculiarity, however.