MT4 doesn't have long to live - page 44


What is your ping to the server? Maybe a delayed reaction to the price is the reason for the rakwot? You also have a five-digit number...


))) I don't trade on real) On demo there are almost no requotes - sometimes instantaneous triggering... Five digits.
If the ping is more than 25 milliseconds, expect trouble. And at 4 digits... Five dig its increases volatility and you can't do without slip, which is not good in principle...
In essence, the discussion has boiled down to a "medium term vs HFT" confrontation. But since MKs do not welcome HFT, the general direction of MT5 development will not go in that direction either. At least in the near future. Time will of course judge, but mid-long term trading will always exist.

That is the main problem that MT5, like its predecessor, was created for dealing centres that provide "trading" in currencies on the spot. Its business logic is not adapted to exchange trading, particularly to trading in the futures section. And there is a whole class of investors investing their money in shares, or placing their assets in bonds, or creating option strategies to hedge their risks of the underlying asset ownership. MT5 will never be able to provide business solutions for these groups of investors and traders, and yet these groups are the most capitalized and most influential market participants. These groups do not need the support of OpenCL or the cloud of distributed computing, but they need the programs to be able to freely operate with such concepts as "variation margin", "clearing fee", "delivery contract" (etc., the list is very long). None of this is in MT5 and as I understand it is not expected.

Wrong for lack of information. MT5 has a huge set of exchange specs, only options have not been introduced, but they will be definitely.

Our team manages millions of rubles on the FORTS futures section of the Russian stock market. I learned firsthand the importance of the word "infrastructure" when trading on the Russian stock market using robots practically means writing your own trading terminal.

Great that you have realised this in practice. But others are still in theoretical ignorance. Let every trader write a terminal for themselves, it will sober them up.

By the way, are you ready to present your solution to the public and listen to evaluation, as we do all the time with our solutions?

It took us many months to develop our trading platform based on StockSharp. And yet we opted for a combination of Quick + StockSharp instead of the MT5 terminal. It's not even that MT5 doesn't work on our exchange. Your tightly integrated software package is unable to implement those essential business processes which have to be established for trading on exchanges. No single integrated software product can provide them. If you really want to trade seriously, sooner or later, you will need your own database server, quotes handling system, including independent suppliers of these quotes, like eSignals, research and optimization system, ability to integrate third-party products like MathLab into your complex, and many other things that DC-traders with their $100 deposits placed on the public offer may not even occur to them.

I am afraid you are not aware of the whole underwater part of the iceberg of information and trading platforms and are judging only on the client side. Think about what exactly are we selling to brokers? Not the client terminal. Maybe the infrastructure?

Big capital requires a different management, the software product either solves its problems, or is replaced by another one. And the sad thing is that MT5 could have been the product that would have successfully carved out a trading niche, but it didn't happen. You have created such an "integrity" of the product that integrating it with other business systems has become either very difficult or simply pointless, as it is easier to use third-party developments. In addition, again, MT5 does not take into account exchange specifics (the transition to the netting system and the appearance of tumblr are not enough), de facto, like its predecessor, MT5 has remained a terminal for trading currencies in the brokerage companies. And this despite the fact that MT5 as well as MT4 has two golden advantages over other competitors: 1. minimal time and cost in the deployment of the underlying business process 2. absolute reliability and robustness of the execution logic of MTS.

Is there evidence to back up these claims?

When we publish statistics of N hundreds of implementations, will we again have to declare "it doesn't matter"? This has happened many times.

You, on the other hand, continue to put a lot of the customer support work on the brokers themselves. Brokers themselves don't tend to do an excellent job, or even a good job, for the simple reason that it is not their core business to support all of their clients' business processes. For example, until brokers start making money from providing historical data, the quality of instrument history will always be abysmal and insufficient. And so in everything which is not directly related to order execution (brokers' core business).

Look around you, please.

Look at and - it's one of the best technological support for traders. None of the competitors even come close to that. You can't be that short-sighted.


Yes) In general, you can open in several brokerage companies with the same strategy and depo. And create a public honesty rating of brokerage companies. - Let them compete to see who will please this trader more))

They will not stop but profits will be knocked down)) (Just kidding).

That's a thought that crossed my mind too...
In essence, the discussion has boiled down to a "medium-long term vs HFT" confrontation. But since MKs don't welcome HFT, the general direction of MT5 development won't go in that direction either. At least in the near future. Time will judge, of course, but medium-long term trading will always exist.

Trade high frequency at your leisure. And the MT5 tester has very accurate ticks modelling.

But we do not agree with demands "give me non-existing ticks because they are good in theory". The practical problems of such solutions for the mass market have been explained many times, but the only answer was "we are good at the theory, so we are right and you do not understand anything".


Trade high frequency at your leisure. And the MT5 tester has very accurate ticks modelling.

But we do not agree with demands "give me non-existing ticks because they are good in theory". The practical problems of such solutions for the mass market have been explained many times, but the only answer was "the theory is useless, so the truth is ours and you do not understand anything".

I am on options with a life of 6 months and more. :) And I'm waiting for them to appear in MT5. Preferably in America. :)
I'm just on options with a lifespan of 6 months or more. :) And I'm waiting for them to appear in MT5. Preferably in America. :)
Everyone writes what they hear,
Everyone hears how they breathe,
As he breathes, so he writes,
Not trying to please....

Trade high frequency at your leisure. And the MT5 tester has very accurate ticks modelling.

But we do not agree with demands "give me non-existing ticks because they are good in theory". The practical problems of such solutions for the mass market have been explained many times, but all we have heard in response is "the theory is useless, so the truth is ours and you do not understand anything".

The proof of the importance of ticks here is very simple. For example, a certain trading situation has occurred and a certain decision has been made according to the incoming ticks from the broker, and the trader wants to reproduce it exactly in the tester, but the trade is not executed at opening prices once per a minute. What should the trader do in such a case in MT5?
Everyone writes what they hear,
Everyone hears as he breathes,
As he breathes, so he writes,
Not trying to please....

That's the way it is. Everyone has their own agenda.