[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 228


not today... (again, i'm talking about a global bounce)

I'm far from a global one, I just bite off bits and pieces when I'm not flush ))))

There's mega support at 2676, which is also on the 4 o'clock graph, so we probably won't go below it today...... I think I'm about to flat, and I'm winning the day, and even better :)))))) 500 rubles over the deposit, is that not a joy...

By the way, it's funny, look at the rubles in MT and after earning, say, 100 rubles, you think, how cool I am, that the market has been analysed and so on. But if you think about it, what is 100 rubles today.... Not even enough beer to drink.... So everything is relative....

Where's Margaret? What's up Italy? Remember I wrote about the triple bottom - foundations rule now.

There's mega support at 2676, which is also on the 4 o'clock graph, so we probably won't go below it today...... I think I'm about to flat, and I'm winning the day, and even better :)))))) 500 rubles over the deposit, is that not a joy...

By the way, it's funny, look at the rubles in MT and after earning, say, 100 rubles, you think, how cool I am, that the market has been analysed and so on. But if you think about it, what is 100 rubles today.... Not even enough beer to drink.... So everything is relative....

Now the mega-americans will come in and try to rip this mega-support) Hopefully they will)
And I bought one for some reason.
I sold aude on my system)I think it should make a profit) Happy New Year to all!!! More profits and less nerves to you))
Gunn has a turnaround on Jan 16 - just as I thought as early as the 26th - at any rate the probability is much higher)))) KU-3 ahead....

If we fail, we fail far away:

RBC is now saying that they are about to downgrade the Eurozone countries, maybe even this weekend.
The mega-americans will come in and try to tear up this mega-support) Hopefully they will)

They've been awake for a long time now..... The point of the sessions is that the stock markets open, and on the forex market ALL are chopping around the clock....... both americans and europeans and asians