[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 9: November 2011) - page 11

It's the government's problem, they need to do something about taxes, like in Argentina. The government is to blame for not controlling the shadow economy... If they regulated the income control of the people, then there would be no need to raise taxes on incumbent taxpayers. As for the people, yes from the point of view of a resident of the country, their mindset, maybe they should demand their own, but given what I know about them.... they are 'party people', like to loaf around, not work...so going on strike is like another entertainment for them (all this of course, strictly my opinion)...

The opinion is correct... but controlling the shadow economy is not that easy there... they are like us (Russians)... both the shadow economy and corruption... but we still have oil...

Let's see... this is certainly a very interesting situation... they sat and sat and suddenly one decided to show off ))))) I was talking about this situation before - many countries lack coherence...


Why is that? It looks like it's going according to plan:

The markings aren't mine, they're from insta.

I'm trying not to get involved in these games. I've had enough for one day...

I get it, I see it's started, the news always has a big mouth on it.

Margaret, my respects )))


The view is right ... But it is not so easy to control the shadow economy ... They are like us (Russians) ... both the shadow and corruption... but we still have oil...

Let's watch... it is certainly a very interesting situation... After the meetings... one suddenly decided to show off ))))) I spoke about such situations earlier - many countries lack coherence...

Why not? You can. They keep their money in Swiss banks (intelligence reports)... When exchanging currency, demand a passport, certificate of employment, from the tax office and indicate the purpose for which the currency is being exchanged (to buy what, etc.) and if these requirements are not met, then the currency should not be exchanged. At the same time, prohibit the purchase of another country's currency, i.e. it is possible to buy euros but not other currencies
Why can't you - you can. They keep their money in Swiss banks (intelligence reports)... When exchanging currency, demand a passport, certificate of employment, from the tax office and indicate the purpose for which the currency is exchanged (to buy what, etc.) and if these requirements are not met, then the currency will not be exchanged. At the same time, prohibit the purchase of another country's currency, i.e. it is possible to buy euros, but not other currencies

if in banks then it is an option... but in other words, brother brother... you know...

If you run a scenario on Greece leaving the EU - what do you think the reaction to the euro will be ? and how long in time...


This is a political act by Papandreos. Essentially Greece is like a clamp around the neck for the Eurozone, but they (Merkel and Sarkozy) are holding them to their conscience, they don't need her. Basically why should Greece choose to be in the EU or not, it would be better to consider the opinion of the rest of Europeans. It makes no sense for Greece to refuse the bailout, if they do they will face an uncontrollable default and they know it.

And the level of 1.3830 has never been easy to break through, as I wrote about in the old days when we were approaching it...

they need it badly. little do they know they found oil in Greece and the Europeans are rescuing banks that are dotted around every corner. in addition to that, Greece is a vital and strategic country. russia was ready to pay off the debts, but the Europeans would not let russia install an air defense system on the island.Greece is an important and strategic country and russia was ready to pay off all the debts but europe would not let russia put an air defense system on the island. they wanted to bring gas through Greece. the last premier was removed and replaced by papandreo, an american bedfellow who tries to do everything together with europe to stop russia from going there.

they found oil in greece
didn't know... large reserves not aware of ?

good evening. it is a mistake, they need it badly. not many people know that they found oil in Greece and the european government is trying to save their banks. and on top of that, Greece is a politically important country. russia was ready to pay off all the debts but the europeans would not let russia install an air defense system on the island.Greece is an important country strategically, russia was ready to pay off all the debts but Europe would not let russia put an air defense system on the island. they wanted to bring gas via Greece. and few know the last premier was removed almost by force, threatening to kill his family.

laurentiy palych is not on them...

if in banks it's an option...but brother in law...you know...

if you run a scenario on Greece leaving the eu - what would be the reaction to the euro in your opinion ? and how long in time...

I am saying that if Greece leaves the eurozone the euro will go down for a bit and then some other major event will happen and Greece will be forgotten altogether. Historically, Greece has been a "defaulting" country for most of its existence, so they're not used to it...
I am saying that if Greece leaves the Eurozone, the Euro will go down for a while and then some other major event will happen and Greece will be forgotten altogether. Historically, Greece has been a 'defaulting' country for most of its existence, so they're not used to it...
