Divorce methods...


That's interesting...
(A similar fraud scheme was practiced in America in cities with racetracks... :-)))
Let's say the opening price of the next day in a more or less calm market rarely differs
from the previous day's closing price by more than 300 pips in one direction or another...
break this range (600 pips) for example by 30 pips... We get twenty intervals...
Send it to a thousand two hundred forum users (naturally abstracted, I don't know if there are
thousand two hundred :-))) a message like
"Hi ! I have a strategy, which allows you to predict the opening price of the

of the next day with an accuracy of 30 pips. I suggest you just try to apply it to tomorrow's
...and then to each group of sixty...
and then we give each group of sixty people one of our intervals...
The next day we get sixty people to whom we've correctly pointed out the entry point
into the market... :-))) of course the rest 1140 missed and forgot about us, but these 60 people are already on the hook... :-)))
( it would be good if we had some unpredictable traffic on the days, it would look more impressive :-)
spectacular... :-)) These sixty wrote, for example - "Look, you see - the system works like clockwork... Try

Try it again - it'll be a hundred percent hit!!!" we send them another 20 intervals...
We get three people who are absolutely correct in two days...
For the third time we offer these three people to pay for the next interval, say, five hundred rubles per

per snout...:-))
As a result, we get one and a half thousand for three days without bothering with forecasts and recycling ...

P.S. For a racetrack, it generally looks fantastic ...:-))) say ten horses in a race ...
take a thousand people... we predict the first horse... we sift out a hundred... then ten... then one.... he's already made a buck...
we charge him a thousand dollars for the fourth prediction... we wait... if we're lucky (one chance in ten)

we charge him another thousand for the fifth prediction and off we go...:-))


Send a private message to a thousand two hundred forum members (abstracted naturally, I don't know if there are a thousand two hundred :-.
thousand two hundred :-))) a message like.
"Hi ! I have a strategy, which allows you to predict the opening price of the

of the next day with an accuracy of 30 pips. I suggest you just try to apply it to tomorrow's
trades for free!"

Cross me off the mailing list at once :)

To find out how to protect yourself from the next divorce, text XXXX



we take another thousand from him and get out...:-)))

And then what? Look for another thousand people to target? It's no less work than just going from 8 to 5.

So let them work. The bad head never rests).


Old as the world. Similarly, you can just recruit a certain number of investors. You divide them into two groups. With half of them you open buy for the whole deposit, with the rest of them you open sell. When one half is emptied, you divide the remaining investors into 2 groups again and so on...

The only question is, how long will you live until you find yourself with a soldering iron in the same place :)


Old as the world. Similarly, you can just recruit a certain number of investors. You divide them into two groups. With half of them you open buy for the whole deposit, with the rest of them you open sell. When one half is emptied, you divide the remaining investors into 2 groups again and so on...

The only question is, how long will you live until you find yourself with a soldering iron in the same place :)

Yes and with these two groups the problem is. The question is not only where to open, in buy or sell, but when to close) If you hold a position longer than necessary - both of them will go down, because the price has time to mardjinko in both directions. If you do not hold it long enough - you can stay near opening price ).
And there is a problem with these two groups as well. If we hold a position longer than necessary, both of them will sell, because the price has time to marginalize in both directions. If they are not held long enough, they may stay near spread as well).
So what are stops/stops / steaks designed for? :)
So what are the stops/sticks for? :)
Yeah, the first group won't make it 1 pip to the tee, and the second group will have already shed their stops)

And then what? Looking for another thousand people to target? It's as much work as just going from 8 to 5.

So let them work. It's a bad idea to keep your head in the game.)

It's just an example...:-))) there are more than a thousand people going to a major racetrack...

use bluetooth to pull mobile phone numbers from all over the racetrack... get a few thousand suckers to scam...

we empty that racetrack in a few days... move on to the next town...

What's important is the very essence of supposedly perfectly correct, long enough predictions...


Here's an interesting one... another thousand for the fifth prediction and off we go... :-)))

And maybe send one to ban for a year and thereby save a bunch of people from spam and 3 from losing 500 rubles?
Yeah, the first group is 1 pip short of the take, and the second group is already losing their stops.)
So, the take is not calculated correctly. It should be set so that it triggers at the same place where stops are triggered (or a bit earlier). I.e. for forex/CFD, the stop will be closer to the stop by the value of spread. And if the spread is variable, then by the value of the maximum spread. And if it's a stock instrument, by 1 tick.