Interesting and humorous - page 8


Energy-saving bulbs have mercury and flicker - sort of,
In combination with LCD displays you might get something interesting :-).
LED bulbs rule.
LED bulbs rule.
Yeah, once they solve the spectrum problem. On Discovery's "Legend Breakers" they compared the consumption of bulbs of roughly equal light output.

Source type
Consumption, W
Incandescent lamp 75
Energy saving fluorescent11
Do fluorescent ones have the spectrum problem solved? :-)Файл:Spektrum_60W_ESL.jpg
(bottom of the spectrum of a fluorescent, top of the spectrum of an incandescent lamp)
Well, it's up to the manufacturer's choice there. The fluorescent coating can be chemically corrected, so that a range of colours from cool to warm has long been available. The situation with LEDs is worse in principle, although the developers are full of optimism.

P.S. I just found out that there are already LEDs coated with phosphors. Of course, they are more expensive and less economical, but they work.

Daughter 5, took her to work on her day off. Gave her a stapler, a hole puncher, stamps, paper clips, pens and said:
- "Work, don't bother me!
She "worked" for 3 hours.
We go home, she asks:
- Mum, did I do a good job?
- Wonderful!
She does:
- Then let's go to the ATM. Let's get my paycheck.


Ask a fool to pray to God...
Instead of doing the dishes, has been standing for 10 minutes trying to blow soap bubbles through a grater!


- Which algebra textbook is more reliable, Alimov's or Makarychev's?
- I don't know, why?
- From Alimov: Any number to the power of zero gives one. From Makarychev: Zero to any degree equals zero.
- И?
- I need to calculate 0 to the power of 0. Which algebra textbook is more reliable?


I run home. I do everything on 'automatic'. Dinner on the cooker, chopping salad, etc. I'm in the kitchen smoking, texting my husband: "Where are you? When will you be? " He writes back: "I'm in the toilet. I'll finish reading the magazine and come out!!! "


We once found a naked man in flippers outside our tent in the morning.
We asked him:
- Why are you sleeping here?
He was:
- I got drunk and didn't make it to my room...
- Why are you wearing flippers?
- It was cold at night, I only had flippers on...


We were sitting with our friends, the programmers and network administrators, drinking beer, talking "about life"; one of us was with a girl.
We are used to it, as a girl has come to such a meeting, she does not trust her boyfriend, we are not embarrassed and choose the most difficult and incomprehensible terms. The girl occasionally smiles or laughs with everyone else and we habitually let it pass us by.
It's time to settle up, we order the bill and continue our drunken conversation with jokes and jokes about programming and networks. The waiter is frankly hovering at the bar with his phone...
Maxim, whose girlfriend was with us, gets up to go to the bathroom, everyone understands, they drink beer... His girlfriend, Alyona, for the first time of the evening, speaks up and says after him:
J Max, ping the waiter, if he doesn't respond, we'll all time out in three seconds with no repayment.
What to say about us and the waiter, even if the bartender, who has seen all our drinking, rolled his eyes? %) We were counted instantly, we went home in a deep thoughtfulness. :)
The girl, Alyona, turned out to be the administrator of a large company, and we met our classmate Max in a chat room.


In our city centre there's a car parking charge: you throw a coin, a ticket comes out, you put it inside the car on the front panel, so you can see from outside until what time you can park. Checkers come every half an hour and if you exceed the limit even a little, they put a special lock on your wheel, you can't move, call them in, pay a fine. In the evening, they showed on TV that the police had detained a man who had removed the lock in front of them, got into his car and tried to drive, but they detained him immediately. The daughter, 5 years old, took the lock and tried to drive the car, but they immediately detained him. They thought he might be some kind of burglar, but no, it turned out that he had his own lock and had been parking there for free for about a year already, he just hung that very lock on the wheel and went on his way!

Type of source
Consumption, W
Incandescent lamp 75
Energy saving fluorescent11

It's a little too optimistic for my taste. It's unlikely the LED is more efficient than the energy-saving one... Although if you look at the price, yes, it should be.

I once estimated the efficiency of an incandescent light bulb (it was a long time ago, in my second year of college). It was about 5 per cent, like a steam locomotive. Well, that means that the LED bulb's efficiency is higher than 100%. Perpetuum mobile.

P.S. I just found out that there are already LEDs coated with phosphors. Of course, more expensive and less economical, but it works.
Yes. Ultraviolet (blue) with luminophores (bojan seen a year or two ago).
But I read somewhere recently that LED illumination of pro monitors is better still on RGB triads.
Mm-hmm. Except... you're dreaming. Everyone, ultraviolet on LF PWM - saves a penny.

I think that's over-optimistic. It is unlikely that an LED is an order of magnitude more efficient than an energy-saving one... Although if you look at the price, yes, it should be.

I once estimated the efficiency of an incandescent bulb (that was long ago, when I was a sophomore). It was about 5%, like the efficiency of a steam locomotive. Well, then the LED bulb's efficiency is higher than 100%. Perpetuum mobile.

That's odd... I thought a steam locomotive had an efficiency factor closer to 80%. At least if you count from energy consumption. A steam locomotive is at least twice as efficient as an electric locomotive.