[ARCHIVE] Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass by. Nowhere without you - 3. - page 506

So ask how you know what bar equals.

How do you know what bar is? Also, is there an error in the value of bar?
How do you know what the bar is?
Print("bar = ", bar);

You could probably do it that way:

Only I'm more interested in the question: is the error in the bar value or in the fact that I'm deleting an already deleted file, or maybe something else?

Again the code for clarity. Where is the error?

Question removed.


I guess you could do that:


Well, try it this way or that way. Sergeev asked you a good leading question, which I will repeat:

What is bar equal to?

Answer the question yourself, so that it is not probably, but exactly.


Well, try it this way or that way. Sergeev asked you a good leading question, which I will repeat:

What does bar equal?

Answer the question so that it is not probably, but exactly.

Looking at Log file: At start bar=0, delete function starts when bar=1 and deletes file with number bar-1, i.e. bar=0. The main thing is that everything works correctly, files I don't need are deleted, but this error is torturing me. I don't understand anything (
Let's look in Log file: At start bar=0, delete function is started when bar=1 and deletes file with number bar-1, i.e. bar=0, everything seems to be correct. The main thing is that everything is working correctly, files I don't need are removed, but this error is torturing me. I don't understand anything (

You have all the "logical" conclusions through "like", "probably" etc. etc. And in order to understand the code you need to know exactly:

Print ("Файл с таким именем: ", Symbol()+" M"+Period()+" "+bar+".csv", пытаемся создать, ", а с таким удалить: ", Symbol()+" M"+Period()+" "+(bar-1)+".csv");

You are the one who is being rude: there is still no problem statement, and what you have scribbled is not even pseudocode.

And you think that I incorrectly sent you to telepaths?

I'm not claiming that I'm good at programming. Not my area of expertise. However, we are not discussing my programming abilities and gimpy skills (which, although extremely modest, allow me to get what I need), but your rudeness. People of different backgrounds, ages and skills are on the forum. To refer someone to the "telepathic club" is to contextually indicate to the person that they are a fool. If your mental faculties don't allow you to understand the question clearly enough and are only enough to send people to the club for ... then don't take any insolence or advice, but just then it's better to ignore than to be rude: you don't waste time typing, you don't mock the person (although it probably raises your ego - God be wrong), you don't get a negative response.

You have all the "logical" conclusions through "like", "probably" etc. etc. And in order to understand the code you need to know exactly:

I don't even know what to say, it says: create 1, delete 0. Is that wrong? If Print is set at the very beginning, it creates 0 and deletes -1, but that's how FileDelete is enabled when bar =1 and deletes 0. Could you give us a clearer hint, please?
I don't even know what to say, it says: create 1, delete 0. Is it wrong? If Print is placed at the beginning, it creates 0 and deletes -1, but that's how FileDelete is enabled when bar =1 and deletes 0. Could you give us a clearer hint, please?
Well, if hint, then developers have not yet implemented a time machine in the terminal to move to the future and back. Or maybe I'm not aware of it.

How can I write a script that would be guided by stochastic or RSI level (or preferably several indicators to choose from), so that at a given indicator level a given beep would be played? And better yet, it would have a choice of actions to be performed - to play a given sound signal, to place an order, to display a message on the screen. At least tell me the basic blocks of the script.