[ARCHIVE] Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass by. Nowhere without you - 3. - page 299

The only pity is that the villagers have fewer and fewer horses. There will soon be no one to stop them.
The only pity is that the villagers have fewer and fewer horses. Soon there won't be anyone to stop them.
But it's good that there are fewer and fewer burning huts... :-))
Villagers at the villagers' bedside smoke less and less on Fridays. Fire extinguishers - again a factor! No ibs, no horses, no fires... A villager without a job - gloomy. What to do: you can't do that if you want to.
The only pity is that the villagers have fewer and fewer horses. There won't be anyone to stop them soon.
GabeDeDeD NiNCHe bRiNGs in ... ...in the ...) (It used to be different)
There should be no mistakes like that!
Yes, mistakes are a human weakness.

:) The feminine came out...

And there was a witticism contest...

Oh... men... :)


When using ArrayResize, let's say

int buf[]={5,5,5,5,5};


Alert("Добавили ячейку")    ;

a cell with index 5 equal to zero was added (buf[5]=0; =>> buf[0]=5; ... buf[4]=5;)

and we need to add a cell with index 0, i.e. the buffer should be shifted from the zero cell. (buf[0]=0; =>> buf[1]=5; ... buf[5]=5; directing ArraySetAsSeries(true) did not solve the issue)

How to implement without overwriting this buffer.

Script attached. (Or terminal update? ver.399)

temp_3.mq4  2 kb

When using ArrayResize, let's say

a cell with index 5 equal to zero was added (buf[5]=0; =>> buf[0]=5; ... buf[4]=5;)

and we need to add a cell with index 0, i.e. the buffer should be shifted from the zero cell. (buf[0]=0; =>> buf[1]=5; ... buf[5]=5;).

How to implement without overwriting this buffer.


Help to process error

sanches83 28.10.2011 18:24

Good evening all! Help solve the problem, since this language does not make any sense at all, so I turn to you

The situation is as follows:

There is a part of the code:

int init()
     Alert("Ашыпка ",GetLastError());

Please advise how to make instead of displaying a message the program will try to open the file again, and so on until it opens.

Thanks in advance!

without overwriting this buffer.