TA or something you don't know about. - page 2


Wow. That's an authority! ))) Shame on me! Shame! ))))

Don't be ridiculous.

Peter, do not pay attention to abolk, he already knows everything and regularly trades exclusively on the real, better not get distracted continue, the detractors will be found as you go along, and if you have good ideas, maybe the thread will go into the anals, but without quoting on google ;)
What is TA?
Technically, it is a market analysis based on data coming into the exchange terminal.
That is, it is usually a standard price formula for a bar (OHLC), volumes and ticks (only ticks for Forex), open interest (for options), the cup, the current supply and demand volumes for an instrument and some others, which will not be discussed here.
These, as you will say, are already known. Not really. There are two main frictions with the public here:
1. Many people only call TA what is included as indicators in their trading terminal. But, say, neuro-systems are not. Or, for example, FFT makes people feel like they have looked beyond what is provided to them for observation.
Or TA only what was pre-19X. Archaeologists, my ass.))
No. The definition is perfectly clear. TA is anything that uses your terminal's quote stream for analysis, which requires no linguistic parsing.
No news, no predictions from rabid analysts on CNBC, RBC and other porn channels, no opinions from forum authorities etc.
2. Another point, which is more likely from illiteracy (just do not know the meaning of the word - analysis). TA is understood by some as a system of predictions. This is CATEGORICALLY not so!
Let me explain. The tools of analysis exist not to predict, but to understand what is happening and what a skilled observer can do about it. Now here is what to do.
Examples. The thermometer, speedometer, caliper are all analytical tools and they in no way guarantee you : reaching thermal death, increasing penis size and reaching 2nd cosmic speed.

So - let's get this straight! - To say that TA doesn't work is to sign away your complete inadequacy and trolleymania. // I don't believe the ruler's readings!!! )))


I hope the terminological and methodological principles are clear enough for there to be a follow up.


The sequel, however, will be this:
Before engaging in the game, it's a good idea to understand what the game is all about? Or, to put it another way, what is the context? That's what TA is for. Let's go into more detail...

To be cntd...

That's where I'll start next time...

IMHO, although it smells like another flood... :-)))

In readiness - waiting for the next time...


this is the first time in quite a while I've seen a meaningful speech under this nickname, maybe something's wrong? ))

As for the bottom line, the analysis itself, whether technical or fundamental, is meant to PURPOSE. even if at times unsuccessful in predicting.

))) Are you not confusing Orientation with Forecasting?


What is, with what is to come?

The problem with players is mainly that they predict rather than play by context.

Even simpler: they pass off glitches as reality.

The problem with players is mainly that they predict rather than play by context.

Even simpler: they pass off glitches as reality.

It's the nature of the player. A lot of people find it hard to cope with this. Such people shouldn't even drink coffee in front of the monitor.

(This is the first time in a long time I'm seeing a sensible conversation under this nickname, maybe something's wrong? ))


This is the first post under this nickname that I have managed to understand. And even agree with much of it.

I just don't understand why there is a need for analysis without forecasts... That's what analysts do, traders do not need analysis for the sake of analysis.


However, I'm not here to argue. Just explaining the obvious on my planet.

Free society - troll or try to understand my non-Western logic...

Technically, it is a market analysis based on the data coming into the exchange terminal.
TA is anything that uses your terminal's quote stream for analysis which does not require linguistic parsing.

Another delusion.

The sleep of the mind gives birth to monsters.

Any definition of any phenomenon is meaningful if and only if it allows for accurate identification of the phenomenon among the many similar ones.

FA also uses data coming into the terminal. So FA = TA?


The problem with players is mainly that they predict rather than play by context.

A successful example in the studio!

However, I'm not here to argue. Just explaining the obvious on my planet.


BOO-HOO-HOO-HOO-HOO. Do you yourself, Peter, believe it...? :-)))
So, from the words topistartera it turns out that the vast majority of players substitute concepts, that is, under the words "technical analysis" they mean "trying to predict the movement of financial instruments," while it should be understood as "display the current situation in the market "- I get it right?
If so, I am retiring to the booth and taking the chain with me.