TA or something you don't know about. - page 109

And for all your manner of addressing the community, you still resent being banned?

I don't resent it. I don't give a shit. Why?))) Better to let the nimrods? Like you...

Pardon me. You are you. I'd be happy to confirm...))

I don't resent it. Why?)) Let's let the nimrods have it? Like you...

Temper your arrogance, great one.


I don't resent it - who cares? Why?)))) Better to let the nimrods do it? Like you...
So, trying to be original by all means is hardly original).
So, too, the effort to be original by all means is hardly original).

Are you serious? I didn't think so...

Nah. Wrong age. By that - age - you realise that ponces are just ponces.

moskitman: Temper your arrogance, great one.

Well, he doesn't "smell" of arrogance, he has long looked like a street dancer who, in an attempt to be more original than the others, took away the spot that legend says is in the way of dancing, but it's not certain that his dancing will be better now



Well, he doesn't "smell" of arrogance, he has long looked like a street dancer who, in an attempt to be more original than the others, took away the spot that legend says is in the way of dancing, but it's not certain that his dancing will be better now


(Eating soup) And - for how long?

I love humanity! So funny...


I'm certainly arrogant: you b... have to be human somehow.

This is a high rank. To be talentless - oh! that's a song! Don't you get tired of it? Fuck the litre.
Maybe you - friends on the planet - can use your potential?

Hey, Peter, take a shine to it. Till you get off the booze. You're out of your fucking mind.