The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 300

Correct thoughts............. really don't mean anything for My small and only life.......... and also a lot of writing.......... would have been with a built in speech program-before going to sleep I would have turned it on and....................................
Correct thoughts.............really mean nothing for my small and only life.......... and also too much writing.......... would be with a built-in speech program-before going to sleep I would turn it on and....................................

This is how we live, trying to create comfortable conditions for ourselves here and now (in the range of average life expectancy, and often even less), without thinking about future generations.

And why, because we will not be hereafter...

And we should, because it is possible and necessary to think about personal comfort now in combination with thoughts about future comfort of generations to come. In this compromise it is necessary, however much we would not like it, to sacrifice something now in order to have something later.

And it is possible to be like an animal and not to think about future more than its lifetime, natural selection will decide everything. But here, society should decide, are they animals, or are they reasonable beings of a higher order.

There is a poppycock with money, which is aimed only at pumping out money and getting material pleasures. Actually going the way of the animal world. And there are more reasonable people.

I do not understand the frightening number of situations when for some reason the mind of normal people cannot control and besiege the desire for maximum material pleasure of some animals.

Perhaps the collective mind has not yet come to such a development.

Either basic instincts or something else is affecting it. But humanity will never be more intelligently organised than it is now until reason takes control of the base instincts.

Anyway, so about thinking about the future generation after the personal end of life.

Everyone who distinguishes himself from an animal must think about it, but it is more the duty of the leader of the community and his entourage to think about it. Ideally, this is why a leader is chosen who is more intelligent, experienced and intelligent than the average member of that community.

China used to have dynasties that ruled for 1000 years. They are traditions, ways of life, politics and many other things, and this vector cannot be broken by those fluctuations that can happen in period of 100 or 50 or 20 years. And in our country this vector changes every 20 to 50 years, if not more often, with every change of government, with constant attempts by the West to influence the process. The new government bends what it wants, without thinking about the future. Over the last 10-15 years, the vector has more or less gone from declining to steadily, but steadily, growing in general. This is a fact.

And the government has been constantly demanded to change this vector in a year or two in one term. How could they do this after the 90s, when the country was in such debts and opex that it was a fox. It is difficult to do it in more favorable conditions in 10 years. And contrary to the screamers, this vector is becoming stable and very difficult for our competitors.

At present, the vectors are short, and it is easy to manipulate them through tradition and morality, and it does not even need a war to influence others.

Only traditions and religious values are still left of the long vectors of development, and not for everyone.

I suspect that the collective mind will not come to a higher step in development soon, that is why it is important and necessary to think about this in conditions of global short vectors, if we want to keep our state integrity not only in borders but also in spiritual frames on this stage of world order of mankind.


This is how we live, trying to create comfortable conditions for ourselves here and now (in the range of average life expectancy, and often even less), without thinking about future generations.

And why, because we will not be hereafter...

And we should, because it is possible and necessary to think about personal comfort now in combination with thoughts about future comfort of generations to come. In this compromise it is necessary, however much we would not like it, to sacrifice something now in order to have something later.

And it is possible to be like an animal and not to think about future more than its lifetime, natural selection will decide everything. But here, society should decide, are they animals, or are they reasonable beings of a higher order.

There is a poppycock with money, which is aimed only at pumping out money and getting material pleasures. Actually going the way of the animal world. And there are more reasonable people.

I do not understand the frightening number of situations when for some reason the mind of normal people cannot control and besiege the desire for maximum material pleasure of some animals.

Perhaps the collective mind has not yet come to such a development.

Either basic instincts or something else is affecting it. But humanity will never be more intelligently organised than it is now until reason takes control of the base instincts.

Anyway, so about thinking about the future generation after the personal end of life.

Everyone who distinguishes himself from an animal must think about it, but it is more the duty of the leader of the community and his entourage to think about it. Ideally, for this purpose, a leader is chosen who is more intelligent, experienced and intelligent than the average member of that community.

China used to have dynasties that ruled for 1000 years. They are traditions, ways of life, politics and many other things, and this vector cannot be broken by those fluctuations that can happen in period of 100 or 50 or 20 years. And in our country this vector changes every 20 to 50 years, if not more often, and with every change of government this vector changes, with constant attempts of the West to influence the process. The new government bends what it wants, without thinking about the future. Over the last 10-15 years, the vector has more or less gone from declining to steadily, but steadily, growing in general. This is a fact.

And the government has been constantly demanded to change this vector in a year or two in one term. How could they do this after the 90s, when the country was in such debts and opex that it was a fox. It is difficult to do it in more favorable conditions in 10 years. And contrary to the screamers, this vector is becoming stable and very difficult for our competitors.

At present, the vectors are short, and it is easy to manipulate them through tradition and morality, and it does not even need a war to influence others.

Only traditions and religious values are still left of the long vectors of development, and not everyone.

I suspect that the collective mind will not come to a higher step in development soon, that is why it is important and necessary to think about this in conditions of global minor vectors, if we want to keep our state integrity not only in borders but also in spiritual frames on this stage of world order of mankind.

Day by day it becomes clearer and clearer that Mother Nature wants to finish her experiment with mankind and destroy the human population by their own hands. The natural balance has been disturbed which will inevitably lead to a reset. The countdown is on, but nobody is in a hurry to stop it.
Every day it becomes clearer and clearer that Mother Nature wants to end the experiment with humanity and destroy the human population with their own hands. The natural balance has been disturbed which will inevitably lead to a reset. The countdown is on, but no one is in a hurry to stop it.

Truly, I say to you, the earth will collide with the heavenly axis! (С)
Every day it becomes clearer and clearer that Mother Nature wants to end the experiment with humanity and destroy the human population with their own hands. The natural balance has been disturbed which will inevitably lead to a reset. The countdown is on, but no one is in a hurry to stop it.
Because everyone thinks that after me, whatever! Flood, thermonuclear war, icing on the grass! That's a pity! It would be better to live without conveniences, money and other nonsense, protecting nature, eating its gifts, admiring its beauty, animals inhabiting it, much more reasonable than those who consider and call themselves reasonable "crown of nature"!
Because everyone thinks that after me, whatever! Flood, thermonuclear war, icing, no grass! That's a shame! It would be better to live without conveniences, money and other nonsense, protecting nature, eating its gifts, admiring its beauty, the animals inhabiting it, much more reasonable than those who consider and call themselves reasonable "crown of nature"!
Dreams of a "golden age" ;)

A man, even for a decent life, does not need a lot of money.

The desire for power over others is the bane of society. Power is based on money.

Power in most cases is not in the best hands.


A man, even for a decent life, does not need a lot of money.

The desire for power over others is the bane of society. Power is based on money.

Power in most cases is not in the best hands.

By the way, according to sociological researches, aspiration for power in an individual has more or less force, stacked on a certain scale. If such aspiration exceeds a certain threshold on this scale, such hypertrophied aspiration to the power is already a mental disease.
All the passions outlined here are known, have been and will continue to be.................. what can you practically do other than post?