[Branch closed!] EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 4) - page 236

And the gold is flying down, even without a parachute.....
And the gold is flying down, even without a parachute.....
It was Misha's demomillions that brought the gold down from the rainbow ...sidi1, put your head back out the window, the gold will fall to the ground .... it will hit ))
It was Misha's demomillions that brought the gold down from the rainbow ...sidi1, take your head back out the window, the gold will fall to the ground .... will hit ))

It's not the Mishanins, it's Mixon777

P.S. It's the fourth time he has changed his name and you are still Mishania-Mishania....

And how gold is going down, even without a parachute.....

Gold has entered downtrend zone on n4
Deceased pensioners in Greece continue to receive pensions from the state. Their relatives or children receive the money. Due to such fraud, the treasury loses around 16 million euros every year.

The social sector in Greece, which has been hit hard by the economic crisis, is increasingly becoming a victim of fraudsters. Allegedly 4,500 pensioners are still "receiving" pensions, when in fact they are long dead. Fraudulent or incorrect calculation of pensions costs the state 16 million euros each year, said Luka Katseli, Minister of Labour and Social Insurance of Greece.

She stressed that the ministry will closely monitor all cases where pensions are calculated for people whose age exceeds 100 years.

Scammers take advantage of the flawed population accounting system in the country. Many Greeks do not report the deaths of their relatives in order to receive pensions for them. Last year the authorities promised to take legal action against those who "forgot" to report the death of a relative. After an investigation, 320 such cases were identified.

Incidentally, the Greek Ministry of Labour has pledged to save €8 billion a year from 2012 to 2015.

The reversal is exactly in the target zone, as I wrote last week: 1.4365, 1.4280, why the hamsters and news, TA -- rules...

FYI Mixon:



2 of your links look at baxoena :))))))))))))))

Imho, it is time to divide hamsters by race, because they do not think the same way on different DCs...

The clue: traders are manipulated by the bid glass like statistics and ratings during elections...


European leaders are still unable to agree on a bailout for Greece. Against this background, the euro is trading at a one-month low against the US dollar, from which the currency is separated by just 1 cent.

In addition, the euro dropped significantly against the South African rand and the Canadian dollar.

ECB head Jean-Claude Trichet and German finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble have opposing views on the role of investors in providing additional aid to Greece.

Meanwhile, the yen sank to a one-week low against the US dollar. Analysts attributed this to rumours circulating that the Bank of Japan may launch additional measures to support economic growth.

The New Zealand dollar lost some ground after a series of tremors near Christchurch.


In addition, the euro has fallen significantly against the South African rand and the Canadian dollar.

but how do you understand the news if (it seems to me) the euro has been rising all day?


European leaders are still unable to agree on a bailout for Greece. Against this background, the euro is trading at a one-month low against the US dollar, from which the currency is separated by just 1 cent.

In addition, the euro dropped significantly against the South African rand and the Canadian dollar.

ECB head Jean-Claude Trichet and German finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble have opposing views on the role of investors in providing additional aid to Greece.

Can I have your opinion as a result of your analysis of what has been written?

ECB monetary policy tightening stabilises the euro

The prospect of another interest rate hike in the eurozone on July 7 will discourage speculators from playing too zealously on the downside of the European currency amid the worsening Greek crisis.

The Greek debt crisis continues to worsen so that an additional multi-billion bailout and a rescheduling of at least part of the outstanding government bonds seems inevitable. This could encourage the speculators operating in the currency market to play a downward game on the euro against the dollar. However, they are clearly discouraged by the prospect of a further increase of the base rate in the Eurozone. And that hike already takes place on July 7.

Trichet has given a code word

In any case, practically all participants on the foreign exchange market now firmly assume this. Their certainty can be explained by the fact that European Central Bank (ECB) President Jean-Claude Trichet drank a sacramental phrase on 9 June at a press conference in Frankfurt am Main about the need for "high vigilance" in the face of inflation. In doing so, Europe's chief banker used that code phrase with which he usually precedes a tightening of monetary policy.

Jean-Claude TrichetThe ECBboard of governors traditionally meets twice a month, almost always on Thursdays. The first meeting of the month is always followed by a press conference in which the ECB president has the opportunity to explain to the public the actions taken and hint at his intentions. Therefore, decisions on changing the base rate, unless they are urgent, as was the case during the recent financial and economic crisis, are taken in the Eurozone on the first Thursday of the month. The next possible date for such a move is 7 July.

This will be the second interest rate increase in the eurozone this year. The first rise in almost two years was in April from a record low of 1 percent to 1.25 percent. Therefore, in July the rate will rise to 1.5 per cent. As can be seen, both times the ECB, which is very keen on maximum predictability of its policy, will tighten its credit policy at the first meeting of the quarter. If the bank sticks to this pattern, it will raise its key interest rate to 1.75% on 6 October during the retreat of the ECB Governing Council in Berlin.

At a press conference on the same day, Jean-Claude Trichet will have the chance not only to report on the latest step in the normalisation of monetary policy in the Eurozone, but also to say goodbye to journalists because he will be leaving his seat at ECB headquarters in Frankfurt-am-Main at the end of October and will take a well-deserved rest. His successor, the current head of the Italian central bank, Mario Draghi, will probably push the rate up to 2 percent at the end of 2011 or the beginning of 2012 after which there might be some respite because a slowdown of inflation in the Eurozone is now taking shape.

Lateral movement in a wide range

With such a scenario in front of them, currency speculators are likely to refrain from putting too much pressure on the euro so as not to go against the market. After all, funds from international investors tend to flow to places where the base rate rises and where higher bank interest can accordingly be obtained on the invested funds. In the USA, no tightening of monetary policy is being discussed at the moment, and therefore a relatively high demand for Euro is assured. In theory this should result in an appreciation of the Euro against the USD. At the same time the continuing Greek crisis and the fear of worsening of the financial situation in some other Eurozone countries will remain a constraint.

Therefore, the chance of a so-called sideways movement of the key exchange rate on the globe is high. In other words, it is likely that the EUR/USD will stabilise in a wide range of 1.40-1.48 for a few weeks or even a few months.