end of 2011. - Beginning of the second wave of the crisis - page 10


What's wrong? Exactly what?

Your avatar has a paw in its mouth ? ;о)

The difference between "VIP training" and "Individual training" is completely unclear from the table. I wonder what Alex is offering for an extra thousand quid? Patting a vip on the head? An entertaining excursion to the places of glory of an experienced trader? Intimacy?

To clarify a bit, they are priced "from", i.e. this is the minimum bar for a fixed number of academic hours. I think ... intimate.

And in general, everyone survives as best he can and as best he can, so why are we here?

Yes.... you can't live beautifully... :о)

Enough with the scandalous advertising...

Please don't deprive us of this pleasure. We've waited so long... :о(


Is that a paw in your avatar's mouth? ;о)

Of course it's a paw. And what did your imagination draw for you?
I have a question for the TS. What is your stop loss level when entering a trade?

According to the p.p. markings made. EUR/USD, the following stops are included in the TRADING PLAN:


The following stops are provided in the TRADING PLAN:

Time has passed. People, no longer 'sovoks', who is this nonsense aimed at?

Time has passed. People, no longer "sovoks", who is this nonsense aimed at?

What time? Your time has passed?
As long as there are nirobes, there will be scoops. The thirst for freebies is an evergreen tree and there will always be new patients nesting on it.

In the medium term, the RTS index is expected to correct to at least two support levels, 23.6% and 61.8% at 1725, which is highlighted in blue.

If the price breaks through 1720, it means that the downside movement will continue to the next strong support at 38.2% and the price is at 1500 points, which is highlighted in green.

In the medium term, I recommend to refrain from buying shares of Russian companies.

Bears, don't be sarcastic.