Gunn, astromechanics. Forecasts, discussion - page 42

Here indicators, there's a Moon indicator, can you pull a calculation from it?

Nice turkey thank you I'll see how to get the dates out of it at my leisure.

Gunn didn't leave anything behind rather took it all with him to his grave. :-)

Мистер Ганн отказался раскрыть свой метод за любые деньги, но тем, кто имеет склонности к науке, он, несомненно, 
прибавил к знаниям Уолл-стрит и указал на безграничные возможности.
We will have to invent the square ourselves, the only thing left is to program the square as a clock and then identify the patterns of time, take ZZ as the basis of date values, trough or vertex last and insert the date into the square....

Nice turkey thank you I'll see how to get the dates out of it at my leisure.

Gunn didn't leave anything behind rather took it all with him to his grave. :-)

We will have to invent the square ourselves, the only thing left is to program the square as a clock and then identify the patterns of time, take ZZ as the basis of date values, a trough or top of the last and insert the date into the square....

I know most of the methods I have tested and they are profitable. The fact that it all predates the currency market, and before the markets in general, makes you think - is our life a matrix?

Gunn was a kind man, he didn't want people to use it for financial wars or to manipulate prices.

Although, I read an article in 2006 that a British scientist created a market formula that predicts the market up to 70% - but he's gone, all the facts have been suppressed - all the data has been erased -

and by the way, this is a very disturbing article.

Maybe it's an invention or maybe it's true - I got to know it myself from my trader friend who trades at the MICEX


I know most of the methods

Methods of what?
Methods for what?

You've been reading this thread since the last few pages - I've been telling you all the details - what methods, and how they work -

I've been told on Skype - that if it really works so accurately - it's best not to tell anyone about it and keep it a secret -


Oh, dear...

I'm going to chop some parsley - microwave - and smoke!

A bedtime story - a fairy tale through life. A childhood that's always with you...


You've been reading this thread since the last few pages - I've been telling you all the details - what methods, and how they work -

I have been told on Skype - that if it really works so accurately - then it's best not to tell anyone about it and keep it a secret -

They tell you to keep it a secret and you tell the whole world a secret? ))) Mihon, stop raving, the methods have long been known, and you have nothing to do with it.

How to use them only a few have figured out, and it's no thanks to you too. You've posted links to clever books, maybe you can tell us here a brief summary of Eric Bean's work )).


They tell you to keep it a secret and you tell the world a secret? ))) Mihon, stop raving, the methods have long been known, and you have nothing to do with it.

How to use them only a few have figured out, and it's not thanks to you too. You've posted links to clever books, maybe you can tell us here a brief summary of Eric Bean's work )).

i read the book for 5 days, almost a week and tell you everything in 15 minutes? if only it were that easy)))

Laxatives to gut-wrenching diarrhoea won't help.

You just have to get over it. Patience and perseverance. The tenth fiasco maybe - maybe!!! - not a fact - gives you something to think about - is there anything? Let it be no. But there is the instinct of self-preservation. Though, what for I explain it to the Russian person... He does not have this gene - to preserve himself...

That's not the point I read the book for 5 days - almost a week) and tell you everything in 15 minutes? Ehhh if only it were that easy)))
i don't read that fast, that's why i asked you to tell me the gist of it.
No need to thank me for my guidance. Just drain some more... )))