[Archive! - page 22


I do not trust them either, someone will definitely take advantage of it, I hope someone worthy will come who will change the stereotypes of the government branch and the government will not be associated with business, but will truly serve the people as it should be.

We traders have nothing to fear, I personally can move to any peaceful place as long as there is Internet, but no matter what you say, it is better to be in the native land on your favorite sofa or wherever.

I do not wish anyone to live in an era of change. I would love to be transported back to Soviet times.


If there was no poverty and the population lived well, who would go to the streets if they lived well?

Someone who wants power, it's obvious.

Gaddafi sat in power and stole it to nothing,

I don't know, I haven't done an audit. Who did?

You should watch less of your media brainwashing, at least you should look at it from a different angle,

Is he a psychic psychotherapist?

It is clear that Gaddafi is better for Russia. Fear of the Western world is adequate now so that Islamist fundamentalists do not come to power. If they do come to power, it will be another Afghanistan.

You always see some outside forces. Yes, the West needs oil, but it did not want to make revolutions on calm and loyal to them territory. People revolted on their own, and the reason is the country's social problems.

There are problems everywhere, but only the countries with oil reserves are being bombed. Selective concern for innocent civilians in foreign countries.

ZS: I think you have been brainwashed.


Someone who wants power, it's obvious.

I don't know, I haven't done an audit. Who did?

A psychic psychotherapist or what?

There are problems everywhere, but only countries with oil fields are bombed. A very selective concern for the peaceful citizens of foreign countries.

ZS: I think you have been brainwashed.

Yes, especially bombing everywhere where there is only oil)))) There is oil in Kosovo too))))), don't confuse foreign policy with a country's internal problem.
So what's up with the audit?
So what's up with the audit?
That's a question for the Swiss, you're no fun.

It wasn't the Swiss who claimed that

Каддафи засиделся у власти, и обворовал ее на нет

Why blame them?

It wasn't the Swiss who claimed that

Why blame them?
Not to blame them, but Gaddafi's accounts in Swiss banks isn't that hard to understand.
Hi. Who is in power and suddenly not a crook? Are we any different ...?
..., to rephrase the question: were you just fantasising about Gaddafi stealing the treasury, or do you have the facts? Is it that hard to understand?
So, Slava, go for a walk, don't you see grown-up people talking here.