How do you calculate the length of a line from the coordinates? - page 17



length one squared = (0.1444*0.1444)+(40*40) = the root of 1600.021 = 40

length two squared = (0.2812*0.2812)+(3*3) = the root of 9.079 = 3.01

what do we got?

what the previous 16 pages have been looking for: the length of the first hypotenuse and the length of the second hypotenuse
the length of the first hypotenuse and the length of the second hypotenuse

I have purposely given an example where these hypotenuse are EQUAL

Is 40 equal to 3.01?


I purposely gave an example where these hypotenuses are EQUAL

Is 40 equal to 3.01?

Are you doubting the accuracy of your calculations?
are you doubting the accuracy of your calculations?

Either you're not aware of what you think, or...?

Or are you mocking... I don't get it anymore...

The Pythagorean theorem does not allow you to use the cathetuses expressed in different systems of calculus



The Pythagorean theorem does not allow you to use the cathetuses expressed in different systems of calculus

This is the truth, and no other theorem can do it, and the fact that your graph has approximately the same lines, don't believe your eyes


length one squared = (0.1444*0.1444)+(40*40) = the root of 1600.021 = 40

length two squared = (0.2812*0.2812)+(3*3) = the root of 9.079 = 3.01

what do we got?

hypotenuse lengths. :)
That's the truth, and no other theorem can do it, and the fact that your graph has lines about the same, so don't believe your eyes


Honestly, you are first class jokers!

Many pages earlier I had already written a solution where the cathetuses are reduced to the same calculus system.... and it works... regardless of scale, compression, stretching...



Honestly, you are first class jokers!

Many pages earlier I had already written a solution where the cathetuses are reduced to the same calculus system.... and it works... regardless of scale, compression, stretching...

The guys aren't messing around, they're explaining basic mathematics to you, peckerwood. So, dude, drink yadda and kill yourself. You're the fool, not them. You're a real asshole.


Honestly, you are first class jokers!

Many pages earlier I had already written a solution where the cathetuses are reduced to the same calculus system.... and it works... regardless of scale, compression, stretching...

It's all bullshit, comparable to the following expression: "I need to know the distance, from point A, to three minutes past five."

The guys aren't messing around, they're explaining basic math to you, peckerwood. So, dude, drink yadda and kill yourself. You're the fool, not them.
Yeah... I already drank...