Why are the "Dear Ones" sending everyone to JOB? - page 6

sever30: Just now noticed....

Vladimir, on page 1 of the thread I wrote you a post that you didn't seem to notice immediately either:


Please give me an example where a prospective theme was exhausted precisely because of the referral. Just don't talk about threads with an alert when crossing the waving...


Ideas proposed on the forum by newcomers are below the level of criticism, and the reference to Job, imho, is quite legitimate.

The level of ideas and the legitimacy of the reference are on different planes. Maybe ban newbies from coming here without knocking? Maybe you introduce a qualification for the level? Or organize an exam at the registration on the forum?

You seem to have forgotten how you were once a newbie yourself. I don't think you'd like it if every question you ask a neophyte, before you answer it, he'd give you a bill.

In this forum for many years now, newbies have safely coexisted with experienced ones. Both in the field of programming and trading. They could talk to each other, or they could in different threads. Methaquot's policy was positive and supportive. And it was quite liberal. However, as it always happens, it resulted in a few people with a very vague idea about the culture of communication, which pretty much spoiled the friendly atmosphere that had been formed here. The administration's attempt to solve this problem by significantly increasing the number of moderators seems to have its unintended consequences. It will be very unfortunate if these consequences create a new trend that will threaten the existing community and traditions of this forum.


Vladimir, on page 1 of the thread I wrote you a message which you didn't seem to notice straight away either:

I'm a lawyer, God forbid I should quote, but... that's not the case. I don't remember these threads, but my memory does not fail me, I think in "pictures" and "impressions" on the forum and if they appear, it means justified... I can't tell a lie from those present... At least https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/127211, this thread, as an example, was cited...

Hi Alexei. Of course the depletion of prospective topics has nothing to do with referrals. I absolutely agree with you on that.

But the attrition, alas, is there. I think this is a problem for those who are engaged in serious research or development of new methods. Either they have nothing to publish or they don't want to share. Both reasons are good enough. No one is likely to accuse the forum, the administration or moderators of this. Maybe it really is the summer ... Or maybe these things come in waves and while the tide is out ? :-)

And beginners always have the tide. :-) I think it's the key to life on this forum. And if there is life, there will be connoisseurs. So, IMHO, we have to make sure that newbies (even if they are babbling nonsense) feel fairly free here. They are not the only ones who read the answers to their questions.

If you have something to say on the subject, people speak up. They used to say it before, they still do, and moderators don't interfere. Sometimes, people don't want to speak out for fear of appearing ridiculous; sometimes, they don't want to go against the flow. Moderators have nothing to do with it. By the way, you can nail them down as well. Sometimes moderators are influenced by the authority of some forum users. Then again, no one can forbid or prevent anyone from earning that authority, I'm not talking about cognitive flooding under the avatars. So it was, so it is and so it will be. Amen.

Let me give you my opinion.

ForexTools 11.07.2010 00:30
Here's a great solution by the way: in the form of a new topic, insert the same banner, and / or text description of the new service.
Let the man at once when creating the topic sees that he can just order the development. And if he decided to create a topic in this forum and not in the job, it means that the "author was thinking when he wrote the text" and sending him there is "unethical" ;)

There's always the thought, "Can I get a freebie?" - So the idea is good, but it will not work.

Yurixx 11.07.2010 00:42
And you were told that a moderator has no right to emotion and must be exemplary correct?

Unfortunately man is not capable of it. If it were possible, we would live in a completely different world. But as it turns out, "wood is cut, wood chips fly," of course it is not nice to be a chip or an error in the judicial system, but these problems have been, are, and will be. Perhaps with experience they will be less, at least I sincerely hope so. In the absence of moderators in general, there is a silent horror, gatherings of spammers, and find something worthwhile in them is almost impossible, so that anarchy as a system is not the solution.

Regarding the service "work", I think we need to give the right to "send" there only to moderators, but not immediately. For example, suppose a man opened a topic that needs help, it hung for a while, for example, it went from the top to the second or third page, that is, many looked at it, but could not give any advice, respectively moderator seeing that the man could not help, sends it to the commercial department, by my opinion so it would be correct and all will have a chance to speak, and those who could help free, but for whatever reason, did not, and those who are writing only on a commercial basis, the client will not miss.


How long have you been a moderator, my dear? I remember when you were a mere mortal you did not allow yourself such a tone.

And the fact that a moderator has no right to emotion and should be exemplary correct, have you ever been told that? Not to mention accusing others of labeling themselves.

I personally witnessed the case described by Demi. A person was called a boor, and his repeated requests for a post with the appropriate content were met with silence. And now it turns out that he has also been banned. I guess he was banned for demanding an apology for unwarranted insult.

Or maybe you were the moderator? That would explain why the question..:

remained unanswered.

Demi's point of view has some merit. Just like the topicstarter's concerns. And here were expressed some completely sensible thoughts about the forum, and the work of moderators, and about the promotion of a new service. If any moderator thinks it's all nonsense and nonsense should be mercilessly strangled, it's very unfortunate. It begs an analogy with the struggle against dissent in the FSU. :-(

If you witnessed the incident described, you must have remembered which moderator you were talking about. And the question has not gone unanswered.

Let me remind you how the topic starter named the thread: "Why are 'Dear Ones' Sending Everyone to JOVA?"This immediately gave the topic a provocative connotation. Nevertheless, the discussion continued, and all sensible thoughts are pencilled in. The job of moderators is not to suppress dissent, but to clear the huskies from the forum that interfere with the main work. Check out the SPAM thread, all the actions of public moderators are reported there.

I regret that from the first sentence you adopted the same tone in which you accuse me, reread the highlighted places with a fresh eye. So you accept that tone with respect to me and you don't find it offensive? Do you think that your advantage in experience and knowledge gives you that right?

One last thing. My memory fails you, I used to be a little shy with my language when it came to trolls and provocateurs. Now I have to restrain myself, though I don't always succeed, which I regret.


Here's a great solution by the way: in the form of a new topic, insert the same banner, and / or text description of the new service.

When creating a topic, let the person immediately see that he can just order a development. And if he decided to create a topic on this forum and not in the job, it means that "the author was thinking when he wrote the text" and sending him there is "unethical" ;)

The idea is great, both effective and cheap.

By the way - any sending any user to any ALTERNATIVE mql4.com site for any reason is a direct violation of the rules, which forum moderators and administrators are supposed to enforce. And discussing the actions of a moderator here is not so much inadmissible (by the rules - inadmissible), - but even in the context: "If you can't, but really want to, you can" does not imply participation of moderators in this discussion. Get yourself an alternative nickname and the world is in the palms of your hands.

As for the episode with the blocking of a user for rudeness. Yes, it was rude, as I thought at the time. But rudeness is an extensible and very relative notion, and in many cases it is also difficult to distinguish from familiarity. And when a respected user, instead of: 1) Limit himself to a remark, avoiding flaming; 2) Ban the offender in silence. 3) explain the reason for his resentment (he sincerely did not understand) - he chose to highlight his status of "Moderator", thus confirming: "commander said - the mouse has chewed through the armor, then - so it is", thus (as I thought then), admitted all the same rudeness, but already from his side. That's my imho.


And newcomers always have a rush. :-) I think this is the key to life on this forum. And if there is life, there will be connoisseurs too. So, IMHO, we should take care that newbies (even if they are babbling nonsense) feel quite free here. Answers to their questions are not the only ones they read.

Hello, Yuri.

So far, I see no reason to conclude that new moderators are somehow unduly restricting the freedom of newbies.

If we're talking about "newbies" who advertise with referrals and affiliate links, then... What can I say about them: they register only for the sake of these ads, and to tear down these topics God forbid.

Newcomers, by the way, refer to Uncle Job (Job, see Old Testament) not only moderators, it is already pointed out here by the example of a promising topic.

The newbies who copy bearded stories about the possibility/impossibility of making money on Forex/where else, just create flooded threads that are not always deleted.

The newbies posting reports on their genius grails are also not discriminated against by new moderators: a tough critical discussion on them is arranged by forumers themselves - just like it was before.

Newcomers attempting to discuss financial institutions are warned, just as before, that it violates the forum rules.

In most cases, we try to act gently, with persuasion (in private or sometimes in the thread itself), and only resort to deleting posts/threads in the most obvious cases.

Summer, summer is to blame. Autumn is also coming, with aggravations. After autumn, a depressing winter, and then spring with aggravations again. And there will always be problems to solve.

Gentlemen, the actions of moderators are not subject to public discussion by forum members. That is what the forum administration is for. And a moderator should not be held accountable for their actions. Overheated the topic.