LET'S SAY THAT ... - page 31

IgorM писал(а) >>
I've been trying to pick up the topic for a while now...

but i don't see any supporters :) does anyone understand this wiki article : https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Четырёхполюсник
Has anyone ever repaired an old tube colour TV? If so, maybe he saw one part which was called a delay line and gave an integral value of the signal at the output, but the value was just a straight line and a jump at the end of a period - i.e. a pulse
If someone understands what I am trying to explain, he will probably also understand what GBPUSD is and why there are always candlesticks on all currency quotes :)
SZZY: Life is beautiful and wonderful if you look at it in different ways :)

There used to be this thing, a delay line, on old colour televisions. Exactly the colour ones. I remember. But what it has to do with candles, I don't quite understand. Could you elaborate on that a little bit?
Richie >>:

Была такая фигня, линия задержки, в старых цветных телевизорах. Именно в цветных. Помню. Но, вот какое отношение имеет это к свечкам я не совсем понимаю. Можно немного подробнее.

you can, and even in great detail, but I don't feel like it on the forum - but I can tell you that candlesticks on charts are neither corrections nor news (well, news gives candlesticks) - candlesticks are simply quotations that have been skipped over time, so we can discuss
MetaDriver >>:

Одна из работающих технологий в прицепе. При первом чтении всё что до 16 стр. (до раздела "Теория") можно пропустить.

Have you tested it on yourself?

2 rumata1984: No, not Dianetics, but Sciento, but significantly modified.


I'm afraid to discuss psychology on this forum at all. I'm afraid to discuss psychology on this forum. ))))

Mathemat >>:

Ты ее проверял на себе?

2 rumata1984: нет, не дианетика, а саенто, но существенно измененная.

Please don't tell me you're a Scientologist! I'm going to be seriously upset. I promise.

rumata1984 писал(а) >>

Please don't tell me you're a Scientologist! I'm going to be seriously upset. Honestly.

There's a lot to take in, just not everything.

Richie >>:

Там есть, что взять, только не всё.

I'm not going to argue. I don't know much about it. Since you say so, it's quite likely that it is.

Well, if you have the same delay as ULZ64 (64µs), then.... )))))))))
Understand that this is not permanent. In terms of consistency it is no better than anything else.
rumata1984 >>:

Только не говорите, пожалуйста, что Вы саентолог! Я серьезно расстроюсь. Честное слово.

Don't feel bad, not anymore. Psychological help to deal with the consequences of being in a cult was not needed :)

OK, it's been hushed up.
Svinozavr >>:
Ну, если у вас такая же задержка, как и УЛЗ64 (64 мкс), то.... )))))))))
Поймите, что это - не вечно. По постоянству это ни чем не лучше, чем все остальное.

You, like all programmers, including me, think linearly - algorithms: if-then, but I probably just studied electronics and worked with a soldering iron for a while :)
I respect mathematics and physics but am open to discussion :)
Richie - I've messaged you