Does the Grail exist? - page 101

paukas >>:
Финя полная. Давайте хоть одну для проверки.

and I've made a Mashkaus for you.

Glad to be alive after all the riches.

PapaYozh >>:

[задумчиво] что-то Mathemat про MM помалкивает...

What is there to talk about? It's clear that a reasonable MM is out of the question. The purpose of the Cup is quite different.

Mathemat >>:

Цель Кубочка совсем другая.

I've never been able to figure out how DCs on their contests regularly draw 300% a day.
Purely technically, how is this done?

Trut >>:

Вы верите в сказки от хедж фондов? Прокалываются все. Даже машины.

I've been trading online (first in forex, then switched to futures) for about 7 years. And I'm very sorry that what I'm trying to convince

to convince anyone here, I didn't really understand it until a couple of years ago. Honestly, it's a shame about the amount of money wasted

that a lot of people around here are dreaming about... The system is the same, developed about 3-4 years ago, but using it, strangely enough,

you can make unreal money and, alas, you can also lose money. The difference in discipline... If you've been earning for a week, it's bad, because you want to

You earn one week - bad, because you want to increase your lot or enter the market à la system. You make a mistake and you win back - bad, because you want to win back your hard-earned money, with all the

with all the consequences. You just have to be a robot, which is unrealistic for a living person.

not given to it. And what hedge funds have to do with it is unclear... I know people who've made a fortune, I know people who've lost a fortune, I've mixed it up... It's just,

whoever realizes this, and starts spending time on self-discipline instead of looking for super-systems, has a chance to take

money from the market. The rest won't even learn how to give themselves a raise when they retire. P.S. By the way, whoever has the urge to reject it,

immediately exposes himself as inexperienced, novice or incapable of grasping the essence. So, do not rush to conclusions and answers....


Mathemat >>:
Helen выстрелила. В Кубочке становится жарко. По теме кто-нибудь следит или нет?
P.S. И VNIK по эквити не так и сильно отстает. Титан пока на третьем месте.

I think the shot came from a boomerang.)

OAE >>:

...можно и зарабатывать нереально ...

No argument there. But whether in the kitchen or the big market, if you have earned something, it automatically means that someone else, and that someone else is not stupider than you, has usually lost a slightly larger amount. The market is a war. You cannot be a champion forever. For a long time, yes. But always not. You can get sick, your wife can leave you, you can be hung over (make up your own mind), and make the mistake the guys you've been taking money from expect you to make. Saving from inflation, with an MM from matemat, is real. To make money and get away while you still have strength, is real (like jumping out of the needle). But to be a stable trader without a team is a fairy tale.

I've never been able to figure out how DCs on their contests regularly draw 300% a day. <br / translate="no"> Purely technically, how is this done?
With 500 to 1 leverage and some luck it is possible.
If you have 1000 demobucks on your demo account, then with this leverage on 0.1 volume the margin is about $26. So, you can open with 0.1*1000/26 ~ 38*0.1 = 3.8 lots. If you are lucky and the price goes straight to the desired direction, 50 points in the right direction will make you profit about 1900$ (minus spread, of course).
Another thing is that 25 pips in the wrong direction will destroy the deposit...
Trut >>:

Не спорю. Но хоть в кухне, хоть на большом рынке, если вы что-то заработали, это автоматически означает, что кто-то другой, и этот другой не глупее вас, как правило, потерял чуть большую сумму. Рынок это война. Нельзя быть чемпионом всегда. Долго да. Но всегда нет. Ты можешь заболеть, от тебя может уйти жена, ты можешь быть с похмелья(придумай дальше сам), и сделать ошибку, ту которую от тебя ждали ребята у которых ты забирал деньги. Сберечь от инфляции, с ММ от математа, реально. Заработать и свалить, пока силы еще есть, реально. Но быть стабильным трейдером без команды - сказки.

For all the cases you describe, there is a simple, trivial MM - don't lose, say, more than 2% per trade. And try to lose, if of course all entries are in accordance with the system and keep profits to the target...

It's just that, unfortunately, Russia has no stock trading culture, unlike America, and everything is built on advertising: "It's easy to make money on the stock market", etc. It all shot up in our country recently...

And they have whole generations gone through it and the attitude is different. At least everyone knows that it is not easy and the able-bodied are in the vast minority. That's why most of us go into the stock market

initially with the aim of making fast and big money, even without any proper initial capital. And it is very difficult to get it out of their heads. We have goals of a thousand million... hundreds of %% per month...

Have you ever tried to set yourself a target of 5-10% per month, but the drawdown is not more than 1-2% of a transaction? Try it, maybe the task will be easier than ambitious plans. Learn to do so - in

If you learn to do it, in a year or two you'll be given so much money to manage that you won't be able to digest it...

OAE >>:

... в России нет культуры... ... в отличие от Америки...

A country that can steal 600 billion in gold from the fortnox, a country that took 50 years to learn to count to 10, (in the sense of switching to the international system of weights and measures), a country that has the world's highest number of criminal murders, a country that has the world's highest number of drug addicts... What culture?
I mean, people are different there too. And they lose just as much in the stock market as we do. And the "They've been through it for generations" thing is that they had no choice. But to get a portfolio and keep it, so that at least they will have something in their old age. The bank will go bust, the pension fund might as well. Not all the shares will go to zero, though some of them might. But there will be enough to bury the rest.

Trut >>:

Страна, где из фортнокса могут 600 миллиардов золотом украсть, страна, которой 50 лет не хватило чтобы научиться считать до 10, (в смысле перейти на международную систему мер и весов), страна, которая на первом месте в мире по числу убийств на криминальной почве, страна которая на первом месте в мире по числу наркоманов ... Какая культура?
Я в том смысле, что и там люди разные. И теряют на бирже не меньше нашего. А то, что "А у них целые поколения прошли через это...", то, у них выбора не было. А так набрать портфель и держать, чтоб в старости хоть что-то было. Банк лопнет, пенсионный фонд тоже может. А все акции не обнулятся, хотя часть может. Но на похороны остатка хватит.

Sorry, of course...

But it's easy to count on ten fingers. And I'm confused about pence and penny...

and inches for sure.

It's taken them 300 years and we're a second generation walking in the desert.